UK Service Quality and Customer Loyalty: Research Proposal

Justification for Topic choice

Customer service is an area that has been of concern to researchers and other practitioners since it plays an important role in improving the performance of businesses and encouraging customers to remain loyal. Customers have different orientations and this may lead them into attaching varying importance dimensions to service delivery. Many scholars have been conducting research on the importance of service delivery emphasizing its importance in satisfying customers, reducing costs and building the loyalty of customers in an organization (Berndt & Brink, 2004)

In the UK, it has been discovered that provision of service quality is one of the most critical requirements for service businesses. It is a tool that provides corporate advantage in addition to functioning as competitive strategies since businesses that perfect service quality win the loyalty of customers. However, service delivery in the service sectors is a complex issue as many researchers and scholars have not agreed on what should drive effective service delivery. This makes the topic of the importance of service delivery in establishing customer satisfaction in the UK a really important topic for my dissertation.

Research Questions to be answered

Service quality is very important to any organization since the financial success of any organization highly depends on how the loyalty of customers to the organization. The financial output of any organization will not be relevant if the customers are not loyal to the organization since this has an impact of reducing the profits. Many businesses in the UK have discovered the importance of using service quality to establish customer loyalty and they have made this endeavor one of their valued priorities (Charter Uk, 2011). For this to be effective, it is important for companies to be conversant with how consumers behave. The first question that this research will seek to answer is finding out what drives customer satisfaction. The other question to be answered is to find out the relationship between the service quality and customer loyalty in service businesses in UK.

Literature Resources

It is important for an individual to be knowledgeable in any field that he is carrying out research in. This ensures that any decision made or any information is given from an informed point of view. Because of the need to increase profits in companies, a lot of literature has been written on service quality and customer loyalty. In writing my dissertation, I will rely on textbooks to specifically find out the importance of service quality in establishing customer loyalty. The internet will also be useful in writing my dissertation since I will be in a position to analyze information about service businesses in UK to support my research. In addition to these sources, business journals will also support my research by comparing businesses that offer excellent service quality and those which do not. This will show the importance of service quality in service businesses in UK in establishing customer loyalty.

Data Collection Methodology

Data collection is a critical component of any study or research since inaccurate data collection can lead to the wrong results or conclusions. We have quantitative and qualitative methodologies of data collection depending on the type of research. In my data collection, I will use both quantitative and qualitative data collection methods. Quantitative methods of data collection will include methods like questionnaires and interviews. These data collection methods will enable me to test hypothetical information obtained from theories and be able to determine accurately my area of interest. Qualitative methodologies of data collection will also be important in my data collection in providing information that will back data obtained from quantitative methods.

Reference List

Berndt, A., & Brink, A. (2004). Customer Relationship Management and Customer Service. Lansdowne: Juta and Company Ltd.

Uk, C. (2011). Customer Loyalty. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, March 11). UK Service Quality and Customer Loyalty: Research Proposal.

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StudyCorgi. (2021) 'UK Service Quality and Customer Loyalty: Research Proposal'. 11 March.

1. StudyCorgi. "UK Service Quality and Customer Loyalty: Research Proposal." March 11, 2021.


StudyCorgi. "UK Service Quality and Customer Loyalty: Research Proposal." March 11, 2021.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "UK Service Quality and Customer Loyalty: Research Proposal." March 11, 2021.

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