Sex Trafficking and Prostitution in Tennessee

Similar to almost any part of the world, sex trafficking in Tennessee is not unusual. Being illegal, it may be provided in places, such as massage and therapy parlors and nail salons, that officially offer other services. For instance, the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation’s official together with local law enforcement authorities regularly raid several spa salons after a 2013 investigation that revealed the existence of sex trafficking in the Rainbow Spa and the Interstate Spa (“Athens spa padlocked in human trafficking, prostitution investigation,” 2021). While it led to the closure of parlors across the state, the issue related to sex trafficking remains tense.

At the same time, while sex trafficking may be already regarded as serious problem, the involvement of minors in prostitution is even more crucial. According to Rick Stout, a retired Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) Special Agent, “the average age of a prostitute in Tennessee is 13” (King, 2021, para. 5). While, the state’s human trafficking unit conducts undercover operations every year, a considerable number of cases remain unreported. In addition, the significance of sex trafficking in relation to minors is determined by the fact that in the case of adults, prostitution may be frequently regarded as a choice while the situation may be changed. However, adolescents may not understand that they are involved in illegal activities. Thus, it is essential to organize responsive measure in order to prevent sex trafficking and help its victims. Efficient strategies should include education to raise awareness, the police time-sensitive response, and the work of governmental and non-profit organizations for the provision of safe places for victims. In this case, even if people will be involved in sex trafficking, its cases will be reported in a time-sensitive manner, while victim-blaming will be prevented.


Athens spa padlocked in human trafficking, prostitution investigation. (2021). Web.

King, T. (2021). Human trafficking: ‘Modern-day slavery.’ Web.

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