Fraudulent Online Dating as an Ethical Problem

Online dating is a popular option for finding loving couples that are used by many youngsters worldwide. One of the most popular dating applications is called Tinder. It has more than 75 million users every month. Although Tinder gives a variety of opportunities for dating, some people may start searching for new options in other services that provide a different interface and mechanism of matching. However, it is easy to encounter fraudulent online dating services like, which uses fake “virtual cupids” profiles to encourage people to pay for subscriptions. It is highly unethical behavior from application owners because its business model is built upon the deception of people.

The main objection is that the sincere expression of love is used by unscrupulous people to gain wealth. Such deception can be an extremely sensitive blow for a person since the non-existence of a person you like can cause depression and even suicidal thoughts. For example, a person may subconsciously start making plans for romantic meetings and exciting dialogue, but in the end, it turns out that this was all done to steal money. Such deception can be an extremely sensitive blow for a person since the non-existence of a person you like can cause depression and even suicidal thoughts. For example, a person may subconsciously start making plans for romantic meetings and exciting dialogue, but in the end, it turns out that this was all done to steal money. If a person inflicts physical harm on himself or encounters mental disorders, the creators of the application must be directly responsible for these consequences.

Approaching from the other side of the issue, the creators of the service also violated the basic principles of trade relations. Tinder, when buying a subscription, provides ample opportunities to communicate with users. At the same time, creates false expectations and does not provide services. Such an application will not be able to survive for long, as its creators will quickly face lawsuits. Thus, FindMeLove’s activity is highly wrong and cannot be in place in the modern world.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, June 12). Fraudulent Online Dating as an Ethical Problem.

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StudyCorgi. "Fraudulent Online Dating as an Ethical Problem." June 12, 2023.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Fraudulent Online Dating as an Ethical Problem." June 12, 2023.

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