Silent Films and Foley Artists

A silent film is a black-and-white movie without sound. From the invention of film technology to the advent of modern sound films, silent films were the most popular entertainment. At first, there was no sound in the films, then they were with musical accompaniment, and then the help of Foley artists was needed. Silent cinema has undergone many changes (idea 1) and created many new jobs (idea 2), including Foley artists.

The first film was very different from what we have now (idea 1: topic sentence). It was black and white, had no voice sounding, but had a lot of action scenes like sword fights (evidence). A striking example is the films with the participation of Charlie Chaplin, where he had comedic roles. The silence was filled with music, like playing the piano. The progress continued to provoke changes (transition phrase), and then the filmmakers began to use special cards with the phrases of the main characters (evidence explanation; citation). Thus, before starting creation films with modern effects, such as Marvel, the film industry has come a long way (concluding sentence).

Changes in the film industry have made the process of making a movie more complex (idea 2: topic sentence). As a consequence (transition phrase), this required the creation of new professions, such as Foley artists (evidence). These people are responsible for the sound quality of the film. This is a very interesting profession as it requires a lot of creativity and is essential for all films (evidence explanation). Sometimes they use non-standard methods, such as imitating the sound of hooves by knocking coconuts against each other (citation). This profession also gives people the opportunity to find work and their calling (concluding sentence).

The process of changing the film industry has been long and fascinating. One of its highlights (transitional phrase) was the beginning of the use of cards, along with musical accompaniment and the appearance of Foley artists to work with sounds. The black-and-white silent picture turned into a colorful spectacle with many fascinating dialogues and sounds. Perhaps in the future films will change even more.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, March 31). Silent Films and Foley Artists.

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