Skin Color as Reason for Oppression and Discrimination

Today, millions of people think that they live in a world that is equal and fair to everyone. However, recent studies and communication with blacks could reveal the truth that discrimination based on skin color exists and challenges many individuals. Compared to the current health COVID-19-based problems and climate changes that can hardly be solved on the global level, I believe that color skin discrimination should be recognized individually and resolved to improve the quality of life and discover new areas of development.

Despite my intention to notice as many positive aspects of human life as possible, it becomes hard for me to neglect evident social problems, including black struggles and protests. The death of Michael Brown and the current accident with George Floyd remain common reminders of the white race superiority. In its turn, succeeding riots prove the correctness of Martin Luther King’s explanation of a riot as the language of the unheard. American democracy, the US Constitution, and the proclamation of human rights and freedoms seem to be a properly deliberate attempt to mislead society and hide the actual reasons for protesters’ feelings and anger. I want every citizen to answer how the chosen form of the government and the main document of the country influence your life, individually. Do you need a minute to think about the possible answer? While you are weighing the options, I want to underline that oppression based on skin color should not be considered as a social problem but a personal attitude toward people around. Colorism and racism have already taken many lives, and there is no evident and comprehensible explanation of why to continue similar behaviors.

As soon as people understand why skin color can no longer be the reason for oppression and discrimination, they realize how many beautiful outcomes of their relationships and cooperation exist. I truly believe that no oppression based on skin color will promote the exchange of personal experience, the removal of social tensions, and the possibility to communicate freely and impartially. Instead of comparing the colors and associated discrimination, it is high time to find out how to unite and resist global problems.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, January 21). Skin Color as Reason for Oppression and Discrimination.

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StudyCorgi. "Skin Color as Reason for Oppression and Discrimination." January 21, 2022.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "Skin Color as Reason for Oppression and Discrimination." January 21, 2022.

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