Slavery in The American South: Slavery and Southern Society

Many masters did not provide a comfortable life for their slaves. Black people were often exploited and sold into slavery in the American South. Kevin Irvin (2020) states that about 76.1% of the southern population were non-slaveholders. Americans at one time firmly believed that they could completely control their slaves and do whatever they wanted. They believed enslaving people was a favor for the enslaved people because the master fed them and catered to their expenses (Kevin Irvin, 2020).

Therefore, enslaved people must give their masters freedom in return. Those who disobeyed or resisted the orders of their masters were punished by whipping, beating, and even banishment. According to John Gillespie (2018), Lincoln denied the comparison of wage-earning to slavery; enslaved people had no right to own any property and have a low wage. Because their owners always make decisions, they cannot make decisions themselves.

Enslaved people used to do everything for their masters, like cooking and other field jobs. Their poor housing made them vulnerable to disease and bad weather, and their bedding and clothes were also few. Everyone who lived in the South experienced health problems due to the heat and humidity, and the enslaved people there were frequently compelled to labor when ill. However, the health of enslaved people on a plantation was worse than that of whites. Enslaved people were highly susceptible to disease due to unsanitary conditions, poor diets, and relentless complex tasks.

The priorities of the typical American were at the center of Andrew Jackson’s presidency. Throughout his leadership, he gave attention to all residents’ problems rather than simply those of the political elite. The political ideology that Andrew Jackson’s administration endorsed was a more democratic one. Andrew Jackson was a regular citizen, not a Virginian aristocrat. Democrats served as the “ordinary” person from this vantage point.

Thus, it is evident that Andrew Jackson had the most impact on the new democratic politics. He established precedents that presidents have followed until this day; his prominence is to blame for the existence of the two-party system that Americans have currently, almost two centuries later. He is responsible for preserving the reputation of Thomas Jefferson, who is frequently regarded as the most significant president with the sense of acting out democracy (HISTORY, 2020). Jackson impacted the way of life of the American Indian population by permitting one of the worst atrocities committed against them.


HISTORY. (2020). The Ultimate Guide to the Presidents: How the Presidency was Formed (1789-1825) | History [Video]. YouTube. Web.

John Gillespie. (2018). The Expanding Republic [Video]. YouTube. Web.

Kevin Irvin. (2020). Slavery and Southern Society [Video]. YouTube. Web.

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