Exploring Social Equity in Public Administration: Challenges and Solutions

Equity involves understanding and giving people what they can enjoy fully and healthily. In America, Public administrators have equally contributed to being fair just by practically integrating the notion of social equity in economic, social, and political aspects.

Savra and Brunet (2004) found that social equity is a pillar to a nation’s stability and dismissed the idea that public administrators have a role in distributing fair resources, and follow the law without questioning what it says or what has changed. They add that social equity is a critical issue in public administration, and it deserves to be highly prioritized.

In addressing the issue of equity, there is the use of Pareto efficiency, whereby a competitive model in the distribution of goods and market failures is explained. The model aims at utilizing and maximizing the behavior of persons as well as the profit gains of firms. Pareto efficiency comes with voluntary actions, and without the need for public policy (Weimer & Vining, 2011).

Equity is an important aspect of public administration as it assists administrators in distributing goods and services equally in society. It holds the government accountable when it comes to how goods and services are distributed, and ensures that all citizens are equalized in the society. Rosenbloom and Caroll (1990) found that procedural fairness assists in defining social equity, as well as in specifying the corrective action to be constitutionally taken by public administrators.

Equity level assessment/ evaluation can track public problems in countries that experience inequity in the provision of resources. This is seen when it comes to people’s access to various resources or to opportunities such as employment, whereby they are socially excluded due to lack of enough experience in a job. The assessment can be an effective way of tracking the levels of poverty among citizens. Inequity is observed when administrators transmit resources to various institutions, groups, or individuals while leaving out others.

Social inequity arises when public administrators provide resources and opportunities to the public based on gender, income, race, ethnicity, or age. This, therefore, means that only a small section of individuals or groups making up a society get to access the provided resources as well as take part in the growth and development of the society and nation. Policies selected by public administrators to reduce social and economic problems through positive administration and management practices can seek to address the effects of discrimination. This can, in turn, make public administrators the cure for existing malpractices within the society (Rosenbloom and Caroll 1990).

Addressing public policy is of the essence in such a way that through it, the government can ensure that there is social protection for all persons in terms of equal access to resources, opportunities, and public services. For instance, services can be offered free at some point to allow everyone to afford and access them, and without the access being limited by factors such as costs.

The analysis of social equity and public administration can help in the redistribution of tax as the fiscal space used in funding various interventions will administer equity by lowering taxes on the property. Additionally, challenging embedded power balance will be easier in such a way that if harmful power is dealt away with, then there will be a sustainable level of equity. Accountable measures should always be taken to generate a democratic institution that equally provides to the public.


Rosenbloom, D. &. Carroll, J. (1990). Toward Constitutional Competence: A Casebook for Public Administrators. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Svara, J. &. Brunet, J. (2004). Filling in the Skeletal Pillar: Addressing Social Equity in Introductory Courses in Public Administration. Journal of Public Affairs Education, 10 (2): 99-109.

Weimer, D. L., & Vining, A. R. (2011). Policy analysis: Concepts and practice. Boston: Longman.

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