Social Factors of Substance Drug Abuse

Substance abuse refers to the pattern of continued use, despite adverse consequence. Socio-cultural determinants of substance abuse imply to social factors that affect the outcome of drug abuse. The group characteristic determines social-cultural determinants and the general beliefs in history of the set community. For instance, smoking was considered fashionable in the early times. Currently, it is prohibited in some communities. The alienations of individuals in a new environment trigger people to abuse drugs.

Emerging adulthood has been a significant contributor to drug abuse widespread. The youths gain freedom during the transition stage of adolescence to adulthood hence they abuse the drugs without fear of the parents. The exposure to colleges where there is so much freedom and culture of excessive drinking is continuously contributing to widespread use. Students abuse drugs while trying to cope with up with the new environments of studies and trying to fit the new social settings.

The significant direct cost is arising from substance abuse results from health care. For instance, “The cost of acute care and psychiatric hospitalization, specialized inpatient treatment, ambulatory care and doctor’s fees, visits to a family doctor and drugs prescribed to treat a substance abuse problem.” (J Rehm et. al, 2006).Absolute proportional cost is spend according to the attributable ratio.

Law enforcement cause of direct cost arising from substance abuse. Surveys are done by the police officers to estimate the number of people abusing drugs. The police officers are highly paid to carry out the practice. Some people cultivate substances that are prohibited.substance abuse triggers people to do the robbery that can be driven by the lack of money to purchase the drug substances. Substance abuse makes one intoxicated hence behaving abnormally which can lead to criminal assault (J Rehm et. al, 2006).

“Indirect costs in this case refer to lost productivity in the workplace or at home resulting in whole or in part from the abuse of substance.” (J Rehm et. al, 2006).People get injured and become ill triggered by substance abuse being unable to work. Individuals who could have highly contributed to the economy become inactive hence level of economic growth is reduced. An individual in a certain profession may die as a result of substance abuse. There is an interval of period before he or she is replaced.

Physical cost related to substance abuse vary depending on the type of drug. The body system is severely affected, for instance; the brain is affected by addiction. Substance addiction, makes changes, and this affects the body system. Physical cost is closely related to the psychological cost. Drug addiction leads to psychological harm as well as changing one’s social skills.

Addiction to drug and substance use is linked to the crimes and accidents. According to (NCADD, 2014) ,“Drugs is often related to murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny/theft, serious motor vehicle offenses with dangerous consequences, arson and hate crimes.” The drug addicted people are likely to commit suicide when they have done any crime that may lead them to jail and due to lack of mental judgment.

Interpersonal relationships refer to how different people interact. There are various types of these relationships for instance family and professional relationship. Substance abuse leads to physical violence, traumatization of children and neglect in the family as well as verbal assaults in different environments, places of work (Alcohol, 2015).

The dynamics of addiction involve the likelihood to influence others to be addicted; there is gradual obsession with addiction substance (Psychcentral, 2007). The damaging associated with job and romantic relationship. There is great significant to involve the addicted person with new addictive behavior. Many promises to quit the addiction that is usually followed by distress and relapses.

Denial is involved when individual does not admit the fact hence acting in a way to show that even if painful occasion happened did not exist. People employ refusal in their day to day existence to avoid working with hurtful emotions (Psychcentral, 2007). For example, individuals who are usually operating alcohol will reject the fact by informing you how nice they perform their work and romantic relationship.

Storm unsatisfactory views as well as urges. To have an illustration an adolescent that is confused together with anxiety, wrath in addition to increasing sexual urges may turn out to be obsessive and initiate showcasing before childhood actions they have prolonged due to the fact get over, including bedwetting.

Intellectualization is the overemphasis upon pondering when up against an unacceptable impulse, predicament or perhaps habits devoid of hiring any emotions whatsoever that can help mediate as well as to put thoughts straight into an emotive, human context. Rather than handle the particular unpleasant associated emotions, somebody may well use intellectualization in order to long distance by themselves from your impulse, event or perhaps habits (Psychcentral, 2007).

Rationalization is getting something right diverse light-weight as well as featuring a new evidence pertaining to one’s ideas as well as conducts industry by storm some modifying reality. As an example, a female exactly who commences dating a man your woman, enjoys and also believes the earth involving is suddenly left the person pertaining to no motive (Psychcentral, 2007).

Reaction formation is the renovating including irritating and also risky inner thoughts of their opposites. As an illustration, a lady that is infuriated using the woman would choose to terminate the job may be excellent for the boss. She’s will work well without showing any adverse feelings.


Alcohol (2015). Substance Abuse and Interpersonal Relationships. Web.

J Rehm et. al. (2006). The Costs of Substance Abuse in Canada 2002. Ottawa: Center of Substance Abuse.

NCADD. (2014). Drugs and Crime. Web.

Psychcentral. (2007). Common Defence Mechanisms. Web.

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