Maggie’s Social Motivation: Intrinsic Drives in Graphic Design

This paper studies the social motivation on the example of Maggie, who has created a business providing services as a graphic designer and a photographer. The research suggests that her motives are intrinsic and are caused by internal factors. It also explains the reasons behind her motivation based on external studies. The paper proves that there is a connection between an individual’s goals, drives, and fundamental human needs.

Maggie’s Motivation

To conduct research on motivation, I have chosen a person whom I consider to be highly motivated. My friend Maggie has always been interested in the arts and recently turned her hobbies into a business. In February, she started providing her service as a promotional graphic designer and a photographer for musical events. Maggie’s work aims to assist creative people whose financial sources for elevating their brands are limited. My friend strives to offer a highly professional service for a reasonable price. I believe that Maggie’s projects became crucial for the expansion of several art-related businesses.

Maggie’s motives are social and can be identified as achievement-based ones, as she works hard and persistently to succeed in her job. She measures her accomplishments by the quantity of obtained contracts, as well as the number of return customers. Maggie’s internal drives are based on the desire to become a professional in her field to increase her self-worth. Her motivation is intrinsic as she is encouraged by challenge and curiosity. Maggie is responsive to her customers’ needs and is interested in working on unique projects that allow her to expand the set of her skills. She is motivated by extraordinary tasks that require her to find a different approach to their management. My friend’s incentives are associated with the feeling of joy as she is highly committed to creating high-quality photo shoots and design projects.

It is necessary to mention that for Maggie, customer’s satisfaction is the primary goal of her work. She wants to provide clients with the best tools for elevating their brands. Such desire can be explained by the fundamental people’s need to experience relatedness. According to Deci and Ryan (2014), all human beings aspire to feel significant to others and care for them. This theory also underlines that people maintain interpersonal connections to afford the sense of relatedness. The other study proves that interdependence with other individuals is crucial for human survival and is a universal motivator of behavior (Neel, Kenrick, White, & Neuberg, 2016). I believe that these notions can be applied to Maggie’s case too. My friend tries to create bonds with her clients to learn their visions better and to offer a product that aligns with their ideas. She is encouraged to provide excellent service to ensure that her contribution is valuable for creators and can improve their business. To Maggie, being the best in her field while helping others succeed in their art is the primary motivation.


Fundamental human needs are the basis for individuals’ motivation and goals. In Maggie’s case, her aim to provide high-quality service to her clients and establish communication with them is associated with the need to feel significant to others and build interpersonal connections. Maggie’s motives are intrinsic; they are based on internal factors such as curiosity to participate in unique projects, and a desire to be challenged by new tasks. My friend’s primary incentive is the feeling of joy that she experiences while doing her job.


Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (2014). Autonomy and need satisfaction in close relationships: Relationships motivation theory. In N. Weinstein (Ed.), Human motivation and interpersonal relationships (pp. 53-73). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.

Neel, R., Kenrick, D. T., White, A. E., & Neuberg, S. L. (2016). Individual differences in fundamental social motives. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 110(6), 887-907.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, June 27). Maggie’s Social Motivation: Intrinsic Drives in Graphic Design.

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StudyCorgi. "Maggie’s Social Motivation: Intrinsic Drives in Graphic Design." June 27, 2021.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Maggie’s Social Motivation: Intrinsic Drives in Graphic Design." June 27, 2021.

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