Social Worker in the Field of Child and Family Welfare


At the moment, there are many approaches to working with families and children to achieve their well-being. In the 2020 UNICEF report, the United States was ranked 34th in child well-being (UNICEF Innocenti, 2020). Therefore, it is necessary to understand the responsibility and the need to work in this direction. The social worker’s role is to assess the intervention needed, the well-being of the family or individual being cared for, and the response to the actions or inactions of the parents. Responsibility for the well-being of families and children, including in the issue of domestic violence, lies with the state, but a social worker also takes on an important role.

One of the main theories on which the state and social workers rely is social capital theory. According to this concept, establishing family relationships plays a critical role in developing the individual and society (Song et al., 2019). If people experience domestic violence, they receive a moral trauma that hinders the further development of their personality. The leading theory regarding domestic violence is that people who have experienced moral trauma will forever remain in the moment of development, from which they will suffer emotionally and physically (Najavits, 2021). The theory of the cycle of abuse is quite controversial as the victim cannot emotionally and sometimes physically leave the abuser. Increasing knowledge about the impact of trauma on children and families’ social and emotional development allows social workers to provide better care.

Child and Family Welfare

Strengths and Vulnerabilities

A social worker must be responsible and have enough skills to work with different population segments. My strength lies in the fact that I always approach my work responsibly. I believe that I have critical thinking to assess the need for intervention and take proactive actions. My weakness, which may prevent me from working as a qualified social worker, is my lack of experience working with people. However, I am sure that the necessary experience will come with practice.

Motivations for Practice

The primary motivation for me to work for the well-being of families and children is to contribute to the future of society. If children from disadvantaged backgrounds get a chance for a healthy childhood and a decent education, they can become full members of society. If we help families take care of children, children will grow up in an atmosphere of love and trust. The motivation is love for people and the desire to help them.


Helping children and families is in line with my values. I believe that the family is one of the most important things that a person has, so people should be helped to keep it despite external circumstances. In addition, I am sure that every person deserves an equal right to development and education, so it is crucial to take care of children from disadvantaged families.


Ethics plays a significant role in a social worker’s practice, particularly concerning the organization of the well-being of families and children. First, it is essential to consider people’s right to privacy and draw a clear line between the violation of personal boundaries and necessary assistance. A social worker must clearly understand in which situations people need help and in which people can solve problems on their own.

Communication Skills and Knowledge

Communication skills are critical for social workers as they interact daily with people from different professional and cultural backgrounds. Due to the responsible nature of the work, the lack of the necessary communication skills can lead to severe consequences. The primary communication skills that a social worker should possess when working to achieve the well-being of children and families include active listening, understanding of communication, friendliness, and responsiveness.

Active listening involves paying attention to the person the worker is talking to. The worker needs to make sure that the person has the opportunity to speak freely and be heard. The worker needs to articulate the message and make sure it is concise and clear. Knowing the mode of communication means that the social worker understands which method of communication is preferable for conveying a thought in a given context. Friendliness is one of the primary communication skills since, to work effectively, it is necessary to earn the favor of the interlocutor. Finally, responsiveness is essential when working with families and children, which will make the interlocutor feel valued.

A social worker’s knowledge can be divided into theoretical and specific when working with families. For example, a social worker must know behavioral psychology, including child psychology, in order to understand how to treat the wards properly. Specific knowledge should include an understanding of the work environment, statistics on dysfunctional families in the area, and the characteristics of community life.

Key Challenges

The main challenge in working with families and children lies in the difficulty of making fateful decisions. The decision on whether a child should stay in a dysfunctional family is usually made with the participation of a social worker. Weighing all the pros and cons and predicting the future can be complicated. In addition, assessing the need for intervention in private life makes a social worker’s practice difficult.

Domestic and Family Violence

Strengths and Vulnerabilities

My strengths as a social worker in the prevention of domestic violence and the rehabilitation of victims lie in my ability to empathize. Empathy and recognition of value are often the least that victims of violence need. My weakness, which can negatively affect my work, is my sensitivity. I may take other people’s problems too seriously and immerse myself in them, which can lead to emotional burnout.

Motivations for Practice

The primary motivation that I will be guided by is the desire to protect as many people as possible from moral and physical violence. I am motivated by the opportunity to give people who have been victims of domestic violence a chance at a normal life. My highest goal could be the desire to achieve a society where violence in any form is unacceptable and detected and stopped in time.


Working with victims of domestic violence and preventing it is in line with my moral values. First, I believe that violence in modern society is unacceptable in any of its manifestations. Secondly, I believe modern society should unite to eradicate domestic violence, raise awareness of the problem and fight together. The more people know that violence is not routine, the fewer people will tolerate it in their families and show it to their children.


The ethical side of the fight against domestic violence is significant. First of all, it is necessary to work very carefully with the victims and understand in what area they need help. Moreover, it must be clearly understood that the victim needs further unobtrusive care, prevention of persecution, and economic and moral protection. The ethical question lies in the ability of the social worker to be unobtrusive to the victim and critical of the offender.

Communication Skills and Knowledge

The main communication strategies that need to be addressed when working with victims of domestic violence are respect and empathy. People experiencing moral trauma need sympathy and recognition of their personal worth. If the workers treat such a person with particular respect and caution, they can reduce the chances of returning to the circle of violence. To work with such a population, the social worker requires knowledge of the victim’s psychology, moral trauma, and skills in working with emotionally traumatized people.

Key Challenges

The main difficulty in dealing with domestic violence is preventing the recurrence of violence. The social worker must understand how dangerous it is to return a person to a traumatic environment. If a person is an adult, it is necessary to prevent the desire to return to an ordinary life, which may arise as a result of Stockholm syndrome. If children have been abused, it is worth doing everything possible so that they do not return to their previous families.


When comparing the two areas, a social worker can practice dealing with domestic violence seems more difficult. This is due to my empathy, which can make it difficult to deal soberly with the stories of people who have been abused. Practical work in this area can also be hindered by the challenges that complicate the prevention of domestic violence. Unfortunately, many people still believe that abusive parenting methods are acceptable and normal.


Thus, when working with families and children, as well as victims of domestic violence, a social worker has a great responsibility. Working with these populations requires specific skills and knowledge, including the use of particular communication strategies. My personal qualities and values will positively influence my future practice, but difficulties remain. The main challenges are associated with ethical dilemmas as well as possible obstacles on the part of society.


Najavits, L. M. (2021). Seeking safety: A treatment manual for PTSD and substance abuse. Guilford Publications.

Song, L., Lin, N., Burt, R.S., & Bian, Y. (2019). Social capital, social support and stratification: An analysis of the sociology of Nan Lin. Edward Elgar Publishing.

UNICEF Innocenti (2020). Worlds of influence: Understanding what shapes child well-being in rich countries, Innocenti report card. UNICEF Office of Research.

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