How the Scientific Method Reduces Bias in Problem Solving

People use the scientific method to address the problems affecting them. The scientific method is effective because it reduces bias and prejudice. Individuals can use the scientific method to solve their every-day problems (Trefil, 2012). This discussion highlights two scenarios that describe the use of the scientific method.

The Mysterious Rash

Targeted Problem and Observations

The skin of the targeted child had large circular patches. Such patches resembled hives. The child’s stomach and arms were also itching. This problem shows that the child is allergic to specific chemicals or agents (Burnstein, Lang, & Khan, 2014). The circular patches were raised, thus making the child uncomfortable. Hives are usually caused by allergic reactions.


I highlighted several questions in order to understand the background of the problem. Such questions made it easier for me to understand the health problem affecting my child. Some of the questions included the following:

  • When did the itching begin?
  • What could have caused the itching?
  • Have you ever experienced a similar problem before?
  • What type of foods have you eaten today?
  • Are the hives painful or itchy?
  • Have you taken any kind of medication?

Formulating the Best Hypothesis

The hives were caused by allergens such as insect stings, pollen grains, food materials, bacterial infections, and medications. These hives can be managed by avoiding the specific allergen.

Testing the Hypothesis

A powerful test should be conducted in order to understand the possible cause of these hives. I used a powerful approach to test the above hypothesis. I decided to conduct several interviews with different individuals in order to understand the potential causes of these symptoms. It was also appropriate to examine the past experiences of the child. The approach made it possible for me to identify the potential cause of the hives. I also reexamined the answers provided by the child (Burnstein et al., 2014).

Conclusions and Courses of Action

The above steps made it easier to identify the potential cause of the targeted hives. I realized that the child had encountered similar symptoms. The child had consumed raw peanuts. Such peanuts “are potential causes of hives and similar symptoms” (Burnstein et al., 2014, p. 1274). The child also indicated that he had taken a slice of bread containing peanut butter. The child had not been bitten by any animal. The child was not under any kind of medication. Such findings made it easier for me to identify the potential cause of the hives. After understanding the possible cause, I encouraged the child to avoid peanut butter. I also encouraged him to wear loose clothes. I applied “anti-itch salves to reduce the symptoms” (Burnstein et al., 2014, p. 1274).

Faulty Household Appliance

Problem and Observations

One of the ceiling fans in my house stopped working. The ceiling fan had become less effective within the past few months. Sometimes it stalled and made some funny noise. I decided to address this problem by using the best scientific method. I conducted a short study in order to understand the possible causes of this problem (Nola & Sankey, 2009). To begin with, house appliances will fail at some point. Such appliances have several moving parts that require frequent servicing. They also use electricity.


I outlined several questions in order to address the problem. I examined when the ceiling fan had been serviced for the last time. I also scrutinized the ceiling fan to see if it had any damage. I checked the connections to ensure everything was working properly. I opened the ceiling fan to examine whether everything was in place (Kosso, 2012).


The ceiling fan had stalled because it needed some repairs.

Testing the Hypothesis

I answered the above questions in order to test the hypothesis. I observed that the ceiling fan had not been serviced for the last five years. I also noted that the fan had not been damaged. The connections were in place. It was also notable that the ceiling fan was making funny noises. I also ensured that everything was in the right place (Kosso, 2012).

Conclusions and Course of Action

After undertaking the above tests, I realized that the household appliance had not been serviced for several years. This malpractice had affected the effectiveness of the ceiling fan. The study also indicated that the ceiling required servicing. I decided to undertake several courses of action in order to repair the ceiling fan. I greased the moving parts after ensuring that all connections were intact. This effort did not produce targeted results. I, therefore, decided to get a repairer. The electrician changed the motor because it was not working effectively. He also serviced the other ceiling fans in the house. He later observed that the motor had failed because of poor servicing. Although the above approach did not address the problem, it made it easier for the electrician to address the problem immediately (Gauch, 2013). This scenario encourages more people to embrace the use of the Scientific Method in their lives.

Reference List

Burnstein, J., Lang, D., & Khan, D. (2014). The Diagnosis and Management of Acute and Chronic Urticaria: 2014 Update. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 133(5), 1270-1277. Web.

Gauch, H. (2013). Scientific Method in Practice. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Web.

Kosso, P. (2012). A Summary of Scientific Method. New York, NY: Springer Shop. Web.

Nola, R., & Sankey, H. (2009). Theories of Scientific Method: An Introduction. New York, NY: Routledge. Web.

Trefil, J. (2012). The Sciences: An Integrated Approach. New York, NY: Wiley. Web.

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StudyCorgi. "How the Scientific Method Reduces Bias in Problem Solving." November 2, 2020.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "How the Scientific Method Reduces Bias in Problem Solving." November 2, 2020.

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