Some of the Problems that Parents Face Today

Parenting is an onerous responsibility that requires resilience, commitment and above all optimum dedication. Contemporary parenting is even more challenging owing to the changing civilization alongside the new emerging trends on family values and practices. To refer parenting role as merely providing for the material needs is an understatement. On a day to day basis, parents wake up to a host of intriguing situations that require immediate attention. This essay explores some of the dilemmas faced by parents in the modern society.

Firstly, it is imperative to note that in any family set up, conflict is inevitable. However, the level of parental conflict has doubled since the advent of the 20th century. There are several cases of domestic violence which go unreported on a daily basis. Conventionally, wife battering had been a norm for centuries. The scenario has dramatically changed and either of the marital partners may be abused today. The level of abuse ranges from verbal insults to physical harassment. Consequently, divorce and separation has been on the rise with countless families disintegrating.

Loss of jobs is yet another harrowing experience parents go through. It is not certain when a job loss may occur. In most cases, parents who lose their means of livelihood may not have substitute jobs in their possession while at the same time; they have to take care of utility bills such as electricity, water and fuel not to mention the basic necessities. There are instances when parents fail to raise adequate income to financially support their families.

Drug and substance abuse is a chronic problem facing not just parents themselves but also their children. The long term approach in resolving the menace caused by drug and substance abuse has been directed towards the minors. In spite of this, there are a host of parents who find it cumbersome to guide their children on drug and substance abuse because they are equal victims of the same. To worsen the situation, parenting drug ravaged children is a real nightmare. Some parents have resorted to seek professional help in rehabilitating their children while others have given up the fight. As a result, juvenile delinquency is fast becoming a common sight both in the developed and developing world.

The impact of drug and substance abuse is replicated among schoolchildren; poor academic performance coupled with gross indiscipline cases both at home and school. Parents struggle to improve both the academic performance and conduct of such children.

One of the major health concerns in the world today is the rate at which chronic conditions are taking the toll on people’s life. Chronic conditions such as cancer, diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases are more prevalent among middle age and older generation and most parents definitely fall into this category. As already mentioned, parenting is a demanding role. Dealing with ill-health and chronic conditions alongside discharging parenting roles is an uphill task. When job loss and inadequate income are compounded, parents who suffer from poor health may not be in a position to meet the financial demands required for regular medical check-ups, purchasing drugs or maintain a healthy living. Worse still, parents who are not under any medical cover may not be in a position to foot al the medical bills.

In recap, it is vital to reiterate that challenges faced by parents today cannot be exhausted. Ranging from domestic strife to juvenile delinquency, most parents are at crossroads on how to deal with the growing challenges in family set-ups. Problems such as loss of jobs and insufficient income may be resolved within a definite period of time. However, parents who are under chronic health conditions such as those suffering from asthma, cancer or diabetes may not have a quick solution though. They have to content, accept and learn to live with the condition.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, December 8). Some of the Problems that Parents Face Today.

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