Space Exploration Through the Humanitarian Lens

It is essential to note that exploring the topic of space exploration through the humanitarian lens can still use economic and technological factors. From a technological point of view, the classic satellite industry lags far behind SpaceX, which is steadily advancing capacity and decreasing the price of Falcon rockets, respectively. SpaceX to solve these problems requires the development of the satellite industry and control (Admin, 2013). A solution to this problem is necessary in order to continue progress. Accordingly, Starlink will enable satellite internet and stimulate space exploration.

Moreover, in economic terms, building and launching its satellites would help SpaceX create and define a new market for highly efficient and democratized access to communications through space. This would provide an influx of money to build the rocket and improve the company’s economic value (Seedhouse, 2022). Consequently, increased profits would have contributed to the development of technology, which would have had a significant impact on the humanitarian sphere and would have been available even in poor regions. Meanwhile, by 2024 Elon Musk plans to launch into orbit tens of thousands of satellites, which will cover the entire planet with the Internet (Spagnulo, 2021, p. 32). Thus, the company will receive significant profits for developing space projects.

Moreover, it will enable Starlink to provide satellite communication between the Earth and the astronauts who will launch. This way, it will quickly respond to problems after the rocket’s launch, even if other hardware is broken. The total number of functional satellites now exceeds 2,000 (Duan & Dinavahi, 2021, p. 3673). Accordingly, increasing the number of Starlink satellites will provide a greater probability of emergency communication with the astronauts. Consequently, the economic factor will allow space industry and science development.


Admin. (2013). Difference between humanities and social sciences. Difference Between. Web.

Duan, T., & Dinavahi, V. (2021). Starlink space network-enhanced cyber–physical power system. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 12(4), 3673-3675.

Seedhouse, E. (2022). SpaceX. Praxis Cham.

Spagnulo, M. (2021). The geopolitics of space exploration. Springer Nature.

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