Ichiro Suzuki: Leadership and Character in Sports

The introduction: some basic points

The first and most important thing I would like to share is that I’m a real sports fan. I am glad to represent you with an autographed baseball. This item is of great importance, as Ichiro Suzuki is my favorite RF of Major League Baseball. I think most of the persons who are fond of sports know that he established a set of records for a professional baseball team the Seattle Mariners. Thus, I suppose that Suzuki is considered to be a good example for imitation.

Generally, in my opinion, the persons who go in for sports are all of a strong character. Usually, people feel drawn to others, because they have some similar traits of character, or because they want to look like their “idols”. To my mind, those sportsmen, who are successful, are the leaders of the community they live in. Ichiro Suzuki can be called a leader, as he is honest, competent, forward-looking, inspiring, intelligent, fair-minded, broad-minded, courageous, straightforward, and imaginative. So, as far as these features are most attractive for me, I suppose I have the traits and want to develop others.

The thesis statement

“Excellence starts with leaders of good and strong character who engage in the entire process of leadership. And the first process is being a person of honorable character” (“Character and Traits in Leadership” par. 1).

The body: the fundamentals of the leadership

There is an opinion that sports increase self-esteem; I agree with the statement, as various kinds of sports help people to be stronger and to make the right decisions. For instance, for Ichiro Suzuki, it is extremely important to take the right decision, as the success of the game depends not only upon his skills but also upon the quickness of understanding. In most cases, he has no time to think about what to do, but he is to act immediately. The knowledge and abilities, values, believes, and features of character are the most important constituents of the leader.

Another item I want to tell you about is a Seattle Mariners’ cap. Of course, this item is rather important for me, as it is closely related to autographed baseball. Generally, the items belong to the same category. This proves my interest in a professional baseball team.

The attributes of the team can help you to understand my priorities. In other words, while analyzing or thinking about the associations the items cause, you can conclude that competitive ability is of the key traits I want to develop. I believe that competitiveness causes progress and success. In my opinion, this ability is considered to be the so-called catalytic agent, which influences productivity and the desire to achieve the goals. I suppose that ability determines our aims.

The conclusion: the perspectives

To my mind, sports arouse interest in people, because it allows understanding that every person can achieve any purposes he or she sets. I suppose that sports items are mostly associated with self-improvement and timely decisions. The players of my favorite baseball team are technically proficient and responsible. They act according to their capabilities. I want to possess the same traits as Ichiro Suzuki does. In other words, the team Suzuki plays for seems to be my source of inspiration. Finally, I believe that “Leadership starts with self-confidence, courage, and perspective” (Bisoux 42).

Works Cited

Bisoux, Tricia. What Makes Leaders Great, 2005. Web.

Character and Traits in Leadership.” Nwlink.com, 1997. Web.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Ichiro Suzuki: Leadership and Character in Sports." January 28, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/sports-and-leadership-skills-relationship/.


StudyCorgi. "Ichiro Suzuki: Leadership and Character in Sports." January 28, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/sports-and-leadership-skills-relationship/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Ichiro Suzuki: Leadership and Character in Sports." January 28, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/sports-and-leadership-skills-relationship/.

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