Nurse Administrators: Roles in Staff Performance and Development


There are many nursing fields that medical workers might be involved in after graduating from specialized colleges. Hence, a nurse practitioner provides necessary care to patients, whereas administrators are responsible for the professional development of their colleagues and auxiliaries. The following paper is intended to evaluate the role of nurse administrators in staff performance, management, and collective bargaining. Moreover, it will discuss these employees’ duties to help their peers to build various plans for professional development.

Administrator’s Role in Staff Performance

A nursing administrator is a person who is responsible for the organization of different corporate, professional, and other activities that somehow relate to his or her team of medical workers. Therefore, this employee’s role is essential in staff performance, management, and collective bargaining. To begin with, it would be proper to mention that administrators encourage their team members to reach new heights in their careers by demonstrating a decent example of a professional nurse. Moreover, a person who occupies the position mentioned above must motivate other medical workers to remain productive and efficient to increase the quality of the help they provide to patients (Davis, Marino, & Vecchiarini, 2013). It is also important for every nurse administrator to arrange schedules and manage various operations performed by their auxiliaries. In turn, the role of this nurse is necessary for some collective bargains. Usually, people have preconceived understandings of certain theories or practices. However, an administrator must remain objective as to every point of one’s daily job to give his or her colleagues sound and appropriate advice.

Administrator’s Role in PDP

It would be proper to mention that the role of nurse administrators in helping one’s colleagues develop a PDP (Professional Development Plan) is efficient as it helps other medical workers understand their primary duties as they want to become more respectable and successful nurses. PDP helps people set goals and rich what is desired with the help of objectives identified beforehand. Sometimes, administrators are obliged to look for original approaches to their clients as every person has his or her concerns in life.

The Importance of Meetings

Professional briefings and meetings organized by nurse administrators are essential components and methods of nurse motivation. Moreover, meetings can serve as productive engagement with nurses and staff to provide these employees with an opportunity to identify particular actions required to meet organizational goals and values. Indeed, nurse administrators might use the time needed by people at briefings to explain to their colleagues what actions must be considered and implemented to become successful in their further careers. It would be proper to mention that nurse administrators are responsible for every employee who works at the same facilities with them.

Although this might seem uncommon, a nurse administrator must be aware of every worker’s character and personal concerns. Indeed, such information cannot be overviewed in public as every patient wants to maintain confidentiality (Emory, Lee, Miller, Kippenbrock, & Rosen, 2017). According to the law, this activity is illegal in the territory of the United States of America. However, if a person does not have any complexes, one might allow using materials that introduce his or her life to the masses.


A nursing administrator is responsible for his or her colleagues’ attitudes toward work. It is necessary to state they also must encourage new nurses to reach new horizons in their careers. Otherwise, they might not be able to influence the audience without having appropriate experience.


Davis, J. A., Marino, L. D., & Vecchiarini, M. (2013). Exploring the relationship between nursing home financial performance and management entrepreneurial attributes. Advances in Health Care Management Leading in Health Care Organizations: Improving Safety, Satisfaction and Financial Performance, 14(1), 147-165.Web.

Emory, J., Lee, P., Miller, M. T., Kippenbrock, T., & Rosen, C. (2017). Academic nursing administrators workplace satisfaction and intent to stay. Nursing Outlook, 65(1), 77-83. Web.

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