Staffing Process in Healthcare

Recruitment is the procedure of persuading individuals to apply for a job in the organization. The staffing process in healthcare includes three stages. All of them are equally important to human resources management and the benefit of the organization (Cable, 2013). These three stages are acquisition, retention, and separation.

The acquisition stage starts with the assessment of staff conditions which means finding out the number and category of workers wanted by the organization. After evaluating the quantity and category of employees sought, the manager attempts to get more job applicants so that the organization can choose from more options and skim off better interviewees. The choice refers to selecting the most appropriate applicant to occupy the offered job position. The assortment is done through a procedure, which comprises exams and interviews (Cable, 2013). The main purposes of selection are to choose the finest among the existing individuals and to make selected applicants understand how solemnly things are done in the company. A perfect example that describes the first stage of the staffing process in healthcare is the formation of close relationships with colleges and universities for the reason that developing skills and talent takes time. If one works proactively, durable relations with students that are pursuing degrees in healthcare and medicine are truly possible (Longest, Rakich, & Darr, 2014). In the future, these students can become knowledgeable, properly skilled, and devoted employees.

The retention stage is designed to expand the skill of personnel and to motivate them to keep cultivating their talent. It is essential to offer training and expansion prospects for employees. The organization may possess internal training hubs or assemble with some organizations to make training available for their staff. Training and progress not only stimulate the workforce but also improve productivity (Longest et al., 2014). Sometimes it is necessary that workers’ performance is appraised after the training and development phase. Performance assessment refers to appraising the efficacy of employees compared to definite standards. The employees get acquainted with the standards beforehand. The managers formulate a feedback statement on the basis of performance assessment (Cable, 2013). At this stage, the perfect example of good management is a job proposal that suggests striking, lifelong benefits to the employees. This should be done because nowadays prospective workers are on the lookout for a stable job, not just income, so healthcare establishments may need to take into consideration other benefits like career advance, training compensation, daycare support, and more.

Separation is the last stage in the procedure of recruitment, in which employees leave the job on an intentional or unintentional basis (Seidel & Lewis, 2014). The separation can occur through withdrawal, termination, or demise. A great example of separation is the situation when a worker is requested to leave the organization counter to their will and includes discharge or dismissal. A one-sided dismissal happens when a manager sacks a worker for inequitable reasons.

I believe that, as a healthcare leader, I would consider the retention phase to be the most difficult to apply. The reason for this is the fact that even though it is complicated to recruit skilled healthcare staff, it is even more intricate to retain workers. The explanation behind this is the provoking issue of interpersonal interaction and constant competition of HR management among healthcare organizations in their search for the most knowledgeable and loyal employees. The company must be flexible enough in order to keep up with the latest changes in the area and create the ideal working environment for its staff.


Cable, D. M. (2013). The Oxford Handbook of Recruitment. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Longest, B. B., Rakich, J. S., & Darr, K. (2014). Managing Health Services Organizations and Systems (6th ed.). Baltimore, MD: Health Professions Press.

Seidel, L. F., & Lewis, J. B. (2014). The Middleboro Casebook: Healthcare Strategy and Operations. Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press.

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