Stakeholders’ Conflict of Interests in Healthcare Provision

Any person or an organization with interest in investing in a particular company is astakeholder. The business activities can affect or be affected by the stakeholders’ actions. Stakeholders in a business setup include customers, investors, suppliers, and employees. The advancements in business operations worldwide have attracted additional stakeholders such as the government and trading associations. Interests to participate in business activities differ between different stakeholders, which is the reason behind the conflict of interests. The healthcare sector is an example of a business practice that involves stakeholders with different interests. This paper explains the stakeholders’ conflict of interests regarding healthcare provision and compliance.

The mental health services agency stakeholders include patients with mental disorders, caregivers, family members, the agency, advocate institutions, insurance companies, and the government. Mental health patients’ interests include treatments, medication, care provision, and protection. Caregivers provide physical and mental assistance to the patients, while family members are interested in the health conditions of their loved ones. The agency benefits from healthcare charges from patients to cater for the services offered. Advocates represent patients, and in return, they get paid. The insurance companies provide cover to mental health patients from any dangers exposed to them. The government is interested in monitoring ethical healthcare provision, rights of patients, and compliance of mental healthcare agencies.

The family might conflict with the healthcare agency regarding the quality of services offered. The agency may conflict with government agents as they assess and investigate healthcare compliance and provision practices. The healthcare agency should protect the patient’s information from uninterested parties, such as their health conditions and performance. My position of confidentiality fits in advocacy since we as lawyers should maintain privacy and protect client’s information while representing them in legal cases by not exposing sensitive information, such as agreements, names, and locations to the public.

The above link is a news article from the “USA TODAY” website, highlighting the ongoing crisis in Texas. According to Fernando (2021), the Texas state has experienced a conflicted policy on abortion ban where bills have been rejected, halted, and passed in the recent past. On October 9, 2021, a judge temporarily passed a bill to ban all abortions in Texas. The stakeholders of the abortion ban law include patients, the government, advocates, and the public. The government opposes abortion as judges pass bills on abortion ban, resulting in a conflict of interests between patients and the government. Advocates may get into conflict with the law regulating bodies, as they protect victims of abortion from being punished by the law.

According to the article, abortion service providers have to close down to avoid the consequences of disobeying a court order. Patients must travel to the neighboring states in search of abortion services. I like the article because it has the latest information about the Texas abortion ban and a brief history of the abortion ban. The article shows a conflict of interest between judges on passing the abortion ban, where judges have been involved in passing and halting the bill. In this article, there is a conflict between the public’s interests and the judge’s interest since other states allow abortion, but Texas judges are opposing. The conflicts of interest occur frequently but can be managed through agreements between the interested parties. Compliance is necessary to avoid legal or health-related consequences.

In conclusion, abortion has been an issue of major concern in Texas. People may opt for abortion if the pregnancy has biological complications that might endanger the life of the pregnant woman. The government has continued to condemn abortion activities with claims that it is unethical and is a violation of human rights. The public is in conflict with the law as they fight to oppose the ban, therefore resulting in conflict of interests. Conflicting parties are encouraged to find a consensus to avoid escalation of the issue of conflict. Prolonged conflict of interest results in delay and termination of important projects.


Fernando, C. (2021). Texas abortion ban is back, for now. It’s ‘chaos’ for patients, advocates say. USA Today.

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