Standard 2 in Early Childhood Professional Prep: Requirements and Practices


The key purpose of the relevant paper resides in analyzing and evaluating Standard 2 ”Building Family and Community Relationships” retrieved from the list of Standards for Initial Early Childhood Professional Preparation (National Association for the Education of Young Children, 2010). It is considered critical to examine this standard from the perspective of its practical use for the development of a childhood professional career. The selected standard puts a particular emphasis on the communicational aspect that plays a significant role in building consistent relations between a specialist and a family.


The selected standard suggests that professionals that have completed early childhood programs realize that effective early childhood education is determined by consistent cooperation with the family members. It is pointed out that a childhood professional should focus on building respectful and supportive relationships with families as they can assist considerably in improving children’s development and education.

Knowing about this standard is of high importance for any professional. First and foremost, recent research shows that a close examination of the environment within which children exist enables professionals to receive a better understanding of the motives underpinning their behavior (Colker, 2008). Thus, for example, a parent might provide the rationale for a child’s problems in learning a particular material. Secondly, all the specialists agree on the point that it is highly important to choose an effective individual approach (Feeney, Galper, & Seefeldt, 2009). Standard 2 reminds about the significance of this aspect.

Hence, a child’s relative might give some useful recommendations concerning the way their child can be best persuaded, encouraged, etc. Also, the experience of cooperation with children’s families might be of exclusive value from a personal perspective (Anderson et al., 2003). In other words, professionals can extend their knowledge of family relationships and observe some practical examples. Finally, the standard is a useful guideline for those who are willing to make a high-qualified advocate – cooperating with families and communities allows examining the relevant environment in detail.


The standard provides an explicit description of the essential activity. In the meantime, there is a series of aspects that require clarifications from the relevant specialist:

Is there any statistical data that supports the value of collaboration with children’s families?

Rationale: statistics might serve to be a convincing argument for future professionals.

Is there a relevant ethical code for building respectful relationships with families?

Rationale: the code might serve to be a consistent framework for a specialist’s activity in terms of ethics.

Are there any people beyond the child’s family that can be beneficially involved in collaboration?

Rationale: the standard mentions cooperating with communities though it does not explain what members can be involved.

Are there any officially established programs aimed at involving families in a child’s development process?

Rationale: examining such programs might provide a better idea of the basic principles of the collaboration process.

How do you realize the relevant standard in practice?

Rationale: practical examples might serve to frame the strategy for professional’s activity at the early stages.

Contact Information

It is proposed that Laura Colker is addressed to answer the questions presented above. She will be provided with an explanation of the assignment’s purpose – getting a complex idea of implementing Standard 2 in practice and improving professional capacity.


The analysis of Standard 2 shows that a stable connection between an early childhood specialist and family members plays a critical role in a child’s development and education. Hence, it is critical to work out an effective strategy for the realization of the recommendations provided by this standard.

Reference List

Anderson, L.M., Shinn, C., Fullilove, M.T., Scrimshaw, S.C., Fielding, J.E., Normand, J. & Kulis, V.G. (2003). The effectiveness of early childhood development programs: A systematic review. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 24(3), 32-46. Web.

Colker, L.J. (2008). Twelve Characteristics of Early Childhood Teachers. Web.

Feeney, S., Galper, A., & Seefeldt, C. (2009). Continuing Issues in Early Childhood Education. New York, New York: Pearson. Web.

National Association for the Education of Young Children. (2010). Standards for Initial Early Childhood Professional Preparation. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, October 29). Standard 2 in Early Childhood Professional Prep: Requirements and Practices.

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StudyCorgi. "Standard 2 in Early Childhood Professional Prep: Requirements and Practices." October 29, 2020.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "Standard 2 in Early Childhood Professional Prep: Requirements and Practices." October 29, 2020.

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