Starbucks Customer-Brand Identity and Its Evaluation

What item and /or brand defines you? Why does it define you?

Among the many things and brands that I love, the one that defines me is coffee. In particular, I love Starbucks’ coffee. I fell in love with coffee back in the days when I used to take caffeinated drinks in order to stay awake so that I could work extra hours. Hard work and long works define my work ethic, which are responsible for my achievements so far. Coffee defines me because it complements my work ethic by stimulating the brain and increasing energy, as well as productivity.

I love coffee because of its many benefits that include high levels of antioxidants, fat burning and mind stimulation ability, and possession of numerous nutrients like magnesium, pantothenic acid, and riboflavin. In addition, coffee lowers the risk of type II diabetes and Parkinson’s disease, protects users against dementia, and helps to fight depression by improving mood. Famous coffee brands include Starbucks, Maxwell House, Boss Coffee, Millstone, and Nescafe. Among these, Starbucks is my favorite brand. I love it because of its strong, soothing, and sweet flavors. Starbucks’ strong and dark coffee gives me satisfaction and stimulates my brain in a way that increases productivity and efficiency.

In addition, it has several brands like Americano, Mocha, and Latte that render it the brand of choice. The brand defines me because I love strong drinks that stimulate my brain in order to handle the many tasks that characterize my daily routine. I usually work late into the night. Therefore, I take caffeinated drinks that keep sleep away. It also defines me because I am an environmental conservation enthusiast. In this regard, Starbucks manufactures their coffee cups with recyclable materials that promote environmental conservation. In addition, they use alternative forms of energy that do not emit gases that pollute the environment.

What brand is cool? How is it cool?

Starbucks is a cool brand, which is one of the reasons why it is my favorite brand. The brand is cool in several ways. First, it offers a variety of products that cater to the different tastes and preferences of customers. Second, it has a nicely branded and designed coffee cup. I always feel “cool” when holding a cup of coffee from Starbucks. Third, it is the largest coffee company in the world. This makes it famous, and a coffee house of preference among many people.

Fourth, it is a cool brand because of its expansive online presence. It takes care of young people by offering its services online. In addition, it educates customers about the various brands of coffee, which means that it values its customers. Whenever I buy coffee from Starbucks, I always feel valued and respected. Its presence on online platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter makes it a cool brand. It is a cool experience to use social networks to communicate with friends and other users. Starbucks is cool because it uses online platforms to interact with customers.

Have you ever bought an item in order to be cool? What was it? How do you feel about it now?

I bought an item in the past in order to feel cool. I bought a coffee mug from Starbucks because I wanted to feel cool. At the time, coffee-related merchandise was in vogue and I wanted to appear cool like everyone else who was buying the products. The cup made me feel cool because it had the Starbucks logo on the side, and many people were buying the mugs. I always felt good whenever I drank coffee from the mug.

However, this has changed since I am now more mature than the time of buying the mug. I have outgrown the desire to feel cool and hip. I bought the mug because other people were buying them and because the media had classified the mugs as some of the coolest items to buy as mementos or gifts. Upon looking back and reminiscing, I do not find a good reason for buying the mug because the only difference it had from other mugs was the Starbucks logo. Currently, I am neither a coffee enthusiast nor a coffee brand follower. I have come to realize that brands are only created to increase the sales and market share of a company.

Whether I buy coffee from Starbucks or Millstone, the health benefits of taking the coffee are similar. I am not keen on sticking to one brand of coffee because I have learned to choose the option that saves money. A coffee brand does not affect me in any way. It is only meant to improve the sales, brand identity, and market share of parent companies. Today, I cannot buy an item in order to feel cool because the main reason for buying certain products is to fulfill my needs.

For example, I can buy a jacket to protect myself from the cold. However, I cannot buy an expensive jacket because it will make me cool. Items that make people feel cool are usually expensive. They are not different from similar items that are cheaper. However, the media makes them expensive by promoting them as items that make people look hip and in vogue. I no longer care about the brand name of items or merchandise.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, March 4). Starbucks Customer-Brand Identity and Its Evaluation.

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StudyCorgi. 2021. "Starbucks Customer-Brand Identity and Its Evaluation." March 4, 2021.

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