Takeaways from “Helping People Change” by Boyatzis et al.

Helping People Change, written by Richard Boyatzis, Melvin Smith, and Ellen Van Oosten offers a unique personal and professional development approach. Based on decades of research in neuroscience and psychology, the authors explore ways to facilitate lasting change through coaching and self-directed learning. The book covers creating practical goals, building emotional intelligence, and navigating resistance to change. With practical exercises and case studies from various industries, Helping People Change is a valuable resource for coaches, leaders, and anyone looking to make meaningful progress in their personal and professional lives.

The book explores the concept of intentional change – the deliberate and thoughtful process of personal growth and development. The authors offer practical techniques for helping individuals bring about this change, drawing on various fields, including psychology, management science, neurology, and neuroscience (Boyatzis, Smith & Van Oosten, 2019). One key concept presented in the book is the “change triangle,” which highlights the interplay between emotions, cognition, and behavior in successful change efforts. Another essential idea is that change is not just about acquiring new skills or knowledge but also involves creating new meanings and relationships. The book offers valuable insights for coaches, therapists, managers, and anyone seeking to initiate positive transformation in their own lives.

Helping People Change delves into the science and practice of personal change. The authors break down their research and theories into simple steps to provide practical advice for anyone looking to change their life. One key concept is the separation between technical and adaptive skills (Boyatzis, Smith & Van Oosten, 2019). As individuals, we often focus on improving our technical abilities in specific jobs or tasks, but Helping People Change emphasizes the importance of enhancing our adaptive skills to create lasting change truly. The book also addresses the role that emotions play in changing behaviors and offers strategies for managing challenging emotions during the process of change (Boyatzis, Smith & Van Oosten, 2019). Overall, Helping People Change presents a comprehensive approach to personal transformation grounded in scientific evidence and accessible for everyday use.

In their work, the authors Richard Boyatzis, Melvin Smith, and Ellen Van Oosten explore the concept of change from a practical and scientific perspective. The book provides tools for individuals to seek out and create their own transformation and methods for coaches and leaders to support change in others (Boyatzis, Smith & Van Oosten, 2019). In addition, the book focuses on the strategies and techniques for helping others to effect positive change in their lives. Overall, Helping People Change offers insights and strategies for creating positive personal and professional growth.

One key takeaway from the book is the importance of creating a safe environment for change, as individuals may fear vulnerability and failure. Another significant point is that successful change involves a cognitive understanding of the desired outcome and an emotional commitment to making it happen. Another crucial point is seeking evidence-based solutions rather than relying on intuitive hunches or traditional wisdom. Lastly, a reader understands that change can be prompted through external motivation and incentives and by focusing on an individual’s internal goals and values (Boyatzis, Smith & Van Oosten, 2019). Helping People Change also delves into methods for reinforcing desirable behaviors and addressing roadblocks in the change process. Overall, the authors offer practical advice for effectively guiding others toward lasting transformation. Encourage readers to learn more about the book and its authors.

Helping People Change by Richard Boyatzis, Melvin Smith, and Ellen Van Oosten. The book dives into research on change from multiple perspectives, including psychology, neuroscience, and organizational behavior. The authors draw on their extensive experiences as professors and consultants to provide practical strategies for creating lasting change. Whether as a manager looking to improve one’s team performance or an individual seeking personal growth, Helping People Change has insightful advice.


Boyatzis, R. E., Smith, M., & Van Oosten, E. (2019). Helping people change: Coaching with compassion for lifelong learning and growth. Harvard Business Review.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Takeaways from “Helping People Change” by Boyatzis et al." August 29, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/takeaways-from-helping-people-change-by-boyatzis-et-al/.


StudyCorgi. "Takeaways from “Helping People Change” by Boyatzis et al." August 29, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/takeaways-from-helping-people-change-by-boyatzis-et-al/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Takeaways from “Helping People Change” by Boyatzis et al." August 29, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/takeaways-from-helping-people-change-by-boyatzis-et-al/.

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