Station Night Club Fire: Tragedy and Lessons Learned for Future Prevention Measures


The Station Nightclub incident is one of the most tragic episodes in the history of the United States that engulfed the Rhode Island in 2003. The catastrophe stemmed from the pyrotechnics display that appeared in the club during the concert and led to an instant flaming. The incident had deadly consequences for one hundred of visitors. Moreover, the expert state that the outcome of the tragedy was maximum beneficial for the visitors since the emergency team managed to eradicate the source of fire within the first three minutes after the inflammation. Nevertheless, the quick reaction did not save the building, and it collapsed in thirty minutes after the episode start (Harrington, Biffl, & Cioffi, 2005). The case evoked multiple discussions both on the local administration and state platforms, which aimed at the elaboration of the consistent fire prevention plans.

The Incident Prevention Plan: Exploring the Standards of Fire Safety

The Station Nightclub fire analysis outlined some observations, which contributed to the compiling of the fire prevention plans. Thus, some scientists linked the outcomes of the episode to the individual behaviors of the occupants’ of the building. Subsequently, it was decided to incorporate some psychonomics instruction courses into the academic programs on fire safety (Kobes, Helsloot, Vries, & Post, 2010).

The complex prevention concerns that follow the Station Nightclub case are based on several aspects. First, the fire safety regulation predetermines the usage of fire resistant barriers between the building interiors, particularly if they are made of wood and thermal coverings. Second, the necessity of automatic sprinklers within the area that is vulnerable to fire is predetermined. Third, the detailed guidance on the building leaving rules is installed in the visible sector. Thus, one of the principal reasons for the tragic consequences of the Station Nightclub incident was a huge crowd-crush that occurred in front of the main entrance door (Bryner, & Madrzykowski, 2005).

Therefore, the investigation of the episode consequences allows creating an elaborate recommendation planning that provides the necessary fire preclusion instructions. The draft combines several critical issues. The first recommendation may be to found a fire identification program that would focus on the complete inspections of public establishments’ fire-resistance systems. The second endorsement stipulated an initiation of the research study that aims at the analysis of human behavior specifications under the conditions of fire emergencies. A support of the flexible communication between the emergency organizations and the civil society serves as the third aspect.

The fourth recommendation predetermines a development of universal public protection systems that would refer to such problematic issues as exit doors blocking, sprinklers breakages, occupancy limits exceed, etc. Fifth, the fire prevention plan recommends enhancing the sizes of entrance doors in the public establishments such as nightclubs, restaurants, concert halls, etc. Moreover, the regulation predetermines an improvement of general evacuation techniques as well as suggests holding public instructions on the emergency conduct rules before the start of any mass performance. Finally, the planning provides an overview of the basic fire-resistant materials that can be used in the constructions of public buildings.

Conclusion: Fire Safety Implications

The Station Night Club fire tragedy discloses a range of specific prevention improvement suggestions. The planning includes such concerns as evacuation regulation, public buildings reconstruction, and fire-resistant materials choice. The account can become a fundamental prevention draft for the fire safety programs.


Bryner, N., & Madrzykowski, D. (2005). Draft report of the technical investigation of the Station Nightclub fire. National Institute of Standards and Technology, 11(1), 1-22.

Harrington, D., Biffl, W., & Cioffi, W. (2005). The Station Nightclub fire. Journal of Burn Care & Research, 26(2), 141-143.

Kobes, M., Helsloot, I., Vries, B., & Post, J. (2010). Building safety and human behavior in fire: A literature review. Fire Safety Journal, 45(1), 1-11.

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