Strategic (SWOT) Analysis: Advantages and Applications

I strictly adhere to the opinion that the SWOT analysis system can be applied in all areas. The media and automotive manufacturing will be no exception. According to Gurl (2017), SWOT is a tool used for strategic planning and strategic management in organizations, which consists of its own subsystems of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It follows that having identified four main topics for analysis, it will be possible to draw conclusions about the usefulness and uselessness of this system.

It is easy to divide the media sphere into similar subsystems, where the availability of information can act as strengths, and the spread of disinformation and manipulation of consciousness can act as a threat. The weak side may be the lack of popularization of the new media, and the opportunity is the public’s trust and coverage of hard-to-reach news. Taking into account all four areas, it is possible not only to develop the field of media but also to raise people’s awareness and prevent deception associated with human credulity. In this case, the division of the automotive construction sphere into four spheres will work the same. The strengths may include an increase in the number of cars; the weaknesses may include a lack of funding due to the large flow of demand. Opportunities may be the global development of transport technologies; threats may be environmental pollution and the potential increase in car accidents. Based on this, it is already possible to understand if there is a necessity to start such a business, which proves the justification for using the SWOT system in automotive manufacturing.

Thus, the SWOT system, aimed mainly at conducting internal and external analysis, easily adapts to such areas. Its use is simple and accessible, which will also be an advantage. When it comes to the two mentioned areas, SWOT analysis is easily applied and can even bring benefits if used correctly. Suitable for any topic, SWOT analysis will stimulate the development of a plan for the successful launch of any sphere.


Gurl, E. (2017). SWOT analysis: A theoretical review. Alfred University Research & Archives.

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