Striving to Overcome Difficulties


In a world where competition is constantly growing, it is necessary to learn and apply new knowledge in work. Carol Dweck, a professor of psychology at Stanford University, found that people demonstrate two attitudes to their learning opportunities (21). These attitudes are fixed and growth mindsets. As a high school student, I encountered both kinds of thinking. Like many schoolchildren, I had difficulties with mathematics, and I tried to solve the same problem for a long time, but without going beyond my knowledge. My thinking was fixed, and I decided that it was necessary to change it. Although completing some tasks was quite tricky for me, I could still overcome the barrier, and my thinking began to grow.

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When I first realized that my mathematical knowledge was not deep, I was already significantly behind in the class. It made me very sad, but at the same time, it motivated me because I did not want to be behind. I tried to solve elementary tasks that did not allow me to develop. Later, I realized that I needed to create my thinking, train my brain, and develop an action plan for myself that allowed me to improve. Thanks to the fact that I had a goal and motivation, I overcame difficulties and developed my thinking.

At that time, my thinking was fixed, but I sought to transform it into a growth mindset. I began to form habits related to mathematics tasks. For example, I always carried a notebook and a pen with me; while standing in line or traveling by public transport, I solved tasks and recorded answers. When I was at home, I watched several videos on the Internet daily, which showed how to cope with difficulties. When I was able to solve tasks on my own, I began to choose more difficult ones in order not to stop there and develop. My solutions were getting better, the teacher was pleased with the results, and I became one of the best students in the class in mathematics.

Faced with a problem, striving to solve it and improve me, I realized what growing thinking is in real life. To develop further, I am always open to new difficulties, and now this applies not only to mathematics but also to other areas in my life. I read a lot of literature, attend various lectures, and actively help friends and acquaintances in areas where I am getting better. There are undoubtedly mistakes, but I am not afraid to make them, and I am looking for new solutions. I saturate my knowledge in various fields with a lot of helpful information, and this helps me in finding non-standard solutions.


In conclusion, I set myself complex tasks, but I continue to work on myself not to give up when faced with difficulties but to find solutions and grow. My school example motivates me throughout the time and allows me to learn, develop and learn new things. There will be many more difficulties ahead, but I am ready for them because I know I have a goal. In the future, I will be able to solve challenging tasks and problems at work, as I have understood what growing thinking is and how many benefits it can bring. I am not ready to stop there and would like my essay to inspire and motivate people to strive to become the best version of themselves.

Work Cited

Dweck, Carol. “The Choice to Make a Difference.” Perspectives on Psychological Science, vol. 14, no. 1, 2019, pp. 21-25. Web.

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