Successful Project Management and Risk Assessment

For a successful project completion with limited delays and mistakes, risk management and project management should be followed. Project management does tasks that are encompassed in a project without faults and are done regularly. Sheets are prepared by the project manager that comprises the scope that defines what is taken into a project and the factors that lead to its success. Cost and quality help inform the decision-making process in a project. The sheets also highlight the risks that have the potential to affect the timing, performance, and budget. With the help of these sheets, the project manager resolves disputes on different components of a project. They also determine the tradeoffs to balance conflicting needs and resource assessments, as well as task coordination and other components. Procurement is also an element in the sheets prepared by the managers helping them obtain all the supplies necessary.

Risk assessment is a method of calculating the types of hazards that may occur once a product is launched for usage. The project’s guidelines are provided to describe how it will be utilized. Every user and the stakeholders in the project are involved in this (Kroner & Derrick, 2020). The risks that arrived in this assessment were classified into high, medium, and low. In the case of high, the cameras should be placed in areas where there is more crime and should cover a big area. The data should not be erased if the location of the camera is changed, and the information gathered should be accurate. In medium classification, the quality of items used in placing the cameras should be good. They should also be able to endure adverse weather conditions, such as rain and wind. The quality of the recording of the cameras should also be good. Lastly, low classification, the cameras must be set at an elevation where nobody except authorized personnel may relocate them. They should be cost-effective and driven by power for 24 hours.

In being successful, the projects risk assessment is often not burdensome. The management team should prepare with what might occur by adopting a straightforward, tried, and verified strategy that comprises actions done at the start of every project. Certainly, there is always adjustments and disappointments, but the final effect is that they will be few and the group will be organized, and the program will never be thrown off track.


Kroner, D., & Derrick, B. (2020). The Council of State Governments Justice Center approach to increasing risk-level consistency in the application of risk assessment instruments. Assessment. Web.

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