Suicide Rates and Causes in Raccoon City

One of the most acute problems of modern times is many suicides among people of all ages. This program estimates the number of suicides in Raccoon City. People of different races and ages, as well as other genders and marital statuses, live in this location. According to the program evaluation scenario, the majority of the population is women, the average age of residents is 37 years, and mostly white people live on the territory of Raccoon City. In addition, married couples and single people mainly live in the city. Many suicides in this city make it possible to assess and draw conclusions from the causes and national solutions to the problem.

The context of the assessment is that suicide among young people is one of the most exciting problems. Drugs occupy the first place among acute problems in the age group from 15 to 25 years among residents in Raccoon City. Through drugs, young people try to get rid of depression but later become addicted. As a result, some do not cope with their addictions and begin to want even more drugs, leading to suicide. People can become debtors, and this forces them to commit suicide since they may not have the money. Some people die from an overdose as they start looking for more comfort and a desire to relax.

There may be several stakeholders in this problem at once. First, this problem should be significant to parents whose children are already on the verge of reaching the specified age or those who have many different dubious friends. The next interested party is the city authorities, as suicide statistics reduce the population’s quality and standard of living (Rufino & Patriquin, 2019). The presented statistics will help to find a solution to the current problem and treat depression and drug addiction among young people. It is also essential for local authorities that the level of drug addiction is low or absent altogether. This will help reduce the number of crimes and cases that can threaten the population’s lives.

This assessment is formative, as it is intended to adjust the policy of suicide control and drug trafficking. The purpose of the formative evaluation is to contribute to improving the results of each transformation proposal. The essence of formative assessment is to use self-assessment to determine further steps to improve their results (Smith & Hasan, 2020). After receiving the evaluation results, specialists develop several measures that need to be implemented. The formative assessment is carried out with a predetermined frequency to assess whether there are any changes, improvements, or deterioration from the proposed measures (Smith & Hasan, 2020). In this case, a strategy of possible solutions to the current problem and the preliminary results of the assessment have been developed. It is necessary to implement the proposed plan and then re-evaluate the effect.

When developing an assessment for this program, I would use an assessment of the results. This type of assessment will help to monitor the success of the results of the implemented proposals. In addition, if the proposed measures are not effective, specialists will be able to develop corrective actions for further work. In addition, periodic evaluation of the results will help constantly change the strategy per the need. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the results makes it possible to measure the progress of success in the implementation of a particular program.

Since the problem is quite acute and essential, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive study, that is, to use a mixed type of research. A qualitative method will allow for determining how successful the developed strategies are. Qualitative methods involve the collection of information in an accessible form; they rely on the understanding, explanation and interpretation of the collected data and are a source of hypotheses and constructive ideas. The quantitative method, in this case, is also necessary to collect information in a numerical format. This statistic is essential in order also to see if the proposed program is successful.

It is imperative to communicate the assessment results to all interested parties. Data is transmitted to local governments so that they also think about measures to prevent the spread of drugs and reduce the number of suicides (Rufino & Patriquin, 2019). In addition, it is essential to mass inform adults who have children about potential dangers. Young people should also be aware that drugs are an addiction that cannot lead to anything positive; but, on the contrary, will spoil their lives. In addition, the work of the school and district psychologists is essential to whom children and adolescents will be able to turn instead of taking narcotic drugs or committing suicide.


Rufino, K. & Patriquin, M. (2019). Child and adolescent suicide: Contributing risk factors and new evidence-based interventions. Children’s Health Care, 48(4), 345-350, Web.

Smith, J. & Hasan, M. (2020). Quantitative approaches for the evaluation of implementation research studies. Psychiatry Research, 283(1), 1-8. Web.

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