“Super Size Me” Documentary by Morgan Spurlock

The issue of unhealthy eating habits has become topical in the past years, and people from different spheres try to share their perspectives on the problem. Morgan Spurlock, in his documentary “Super Size Me,” provided an in-depth look into the topic of the consumption of fast food. Despite the fact that Spurlock’s movie has a certain degree of bias, it still delivers a quality insight into the potential consequences of a fast-food diet.

The premise of the documentary made by Morgan Spurlock was based on the question about the possible outcomes related to the consumption of meals served in Mcdonald’s. As a result, Spurlock decided to conduct an experiment and subject himself to a month of a strict fast-food diet consisting of McDonald’s’ products. On the one hand, the documentary could be considered biased due to the fact that Spurlock intentionally consumed twice as many calories as a normal person requires (Spurlock, 2004). Such an excessive consumption of food would certainly lead to weight gain, which Spurlock demonstrated. On the other hand, the experiment itself was realistic because there are many people who adhere to such a diet. Moreover, Spurlock hired professionals such as a nutritionist and a general practitioner to assess his health, who acknowledged that he experienced a health deterioration (Spurlock, 2004). Thus, I view the film in question as an important reminder to people of what effects their unhealthy habits may have on their bodies. Spurlock managed to bring together documentary and entertainment to convey a vital message to the public.

The documentary “Super Size Me” raises the topic of unhealthy diets in society and shows their impact. Although the documentary is partially biased in certain aspects, it still demonstrates scientific and objective information on the consequences of fast-food consumption. “Super Size Me” is an example of a movie which can enable many people to change their approach to eating and make a choice in favor of more healthy meal options.


Spurlock, M. (2004). Super size me [Film]. The Con.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, March 6). “Super Size Me” Documentary by Morgan Spurlock. https://studycorgi.com/super-size-me-documentary-by-morgan-spurlock/

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StudyCorgi. (2023) '“Super Size Me” Documentary by Morgan Spurlock'. 6 March.

1. StudyCorgi. "“Super Size Me” Documentary by Morgan Spurlock." March 6, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/super-size-me-documentary-by-morgan-spurlock/.


StudyCorgi. "“Super Size Me” Documentary by Morgan Spurlock." March 6, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/super-size-me-documentary-by-morgan-spurlock/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "“Super Size Me” Documentary by Morgan Spurlock." March 6, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/super-size-me-documentary-by-morgan-spurlock/.

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