The Effectiveness of the Special K Diet for Weight Loss


Obesity is a common health problem worldwide, stemming from the wrong dietary and lifestyle choices. According to Gianturco and Perez, there are currently 1.4 billion overweight adults globally, with 500 million of them being obese (1). Due to excessive weight, these individuals are at a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases (Gianturco and Perez 1). Since obesity results from energy imbalance, evidence-based approaches to reducing weight focus on decreasing caloric intake and increasing energy expenditure. These methods include adherence to a balanced diet and regular exercise (Marcin). However, there are now multiple products in the market, which promise to help reduce weight, although sometimes these claims are misleading. This paper aims to discuss one weight-loss product – the Special K diet developed by the Kellogg company. This diet is based on replacing two meals a day with the Special K cereal and lasts for two weeks. While this product leads to true weight loss due to reduced caloric intake, its effects are short-term, and it may present health risks for people with comorbidities such as type 2 diabetes.

How Special K Works

The Special K diet is a two-week challenge during which people should replace two meals a day with Special K low-calorie products. The main substitute product is the Special K ready-to-eat cereal, but the Kellogg company also offers such foods as snack bars and protein shakes. The cereal should be served with low-fat milk, and the third meal of the day may consist of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and sugar-free beverages.

The purpose of the diet is to reduce caloric intake, thus leading to true weight loss. A decrease in energy consumption is achieved by controlled portion sizes and the low caloric density of the product. The serving size ranges from 30 g to 45 g (Gianturco and Perez 4). The caloric value of one serving of the Special K cereal with skim milk is about 200 calories (Marcin). The product has low energy density because most Special K cereals contain rice and whole grains, along with other additives such as corn, starch, honey, and others. However, since the diet does not specify the third meal of the day, its effectiveness may vary. Consumers may not decrease their energy intake if their dinner consists of foods high in calories.

There is scientific evidence that the Special K diet helps reduce weight. Gianturco and Perez performed a meta-analysis of six randomized controlled trials and four uncontrolled trials investigating the influence of this diet on weight loss and waist circumference (2). A synthesis of research findings showed that the two-week Special K challenge led to a statistically significant reduction in weight and waist circumference (Gianturco and Perez 6). Compared to the control conditions, the Special K intervention resulted in a slightly greater decrease in weight: the weight loss in the intervention groups was 1.61 kg, and that in the control groups was 1.43 kg (Gianturco and Perez 7). A reduction in waist circumference was -2.19 cm in the participants consuming the Special K cereal and -1.20 cm in those in the control conditions (Gianturco and Perez 7). Thus, studies prove that the Special K diet allows for reducing weight in two weeks.

The Ability of Special K to Keep the Weight Off

The Special K diet helps to achieve short-term weight loss but does not keep the weight off. According to Gianturco and Perez, this program is not designed to be long-term; instead, consumers are expected to be motivated by their progress in reducing weight and adopt long-term lifestyle changes to continue losing weight (2). It has also been found that successful weight loss results from having regular breakfast, along with adhering to a low-fat, low-calorie diet and exercising (Gianturco and Perez 7). Consuming the Special K cereal for two weeks may help people get accustomed to eating breakfast, thus forming a healthy habit for further weight reduction.

Safety and Health Risks of the Special K Diet

The identified studies have been conducted among generally healthy overweight people and led to a significant reduction in weight. It may imply that the diet is effective and safe for people without underlying conditions. However, there are health risks that have to be considered before consuming the Special K products. First, a healthy diet should consist of many food groups and be complemented with exercise (Marcin). In the Special K challenge, the variety of foods can be consumed only during the third meal of the day since the first two should be replaced with cereal. In addition, the diet does not stress the importance of exercise. Therefore, it is not the healthiest choice available for consumers.

Further, the Special K challenge may present risks for people with health conditions. For example, because these cereals contain added sugars, they may not be recommended to individuals with diabetes. Moreover, some Special K products have additives such as nuts or honey. They are common allergens, which is why people subject to food allergies should carefully read the ingredient list before eating Kellogg’s cereals or snack bars. Saanvi also argues that the Special K cereal may pose health risks to pregnant women. Finally, because this diet leads to decreased caloric intake, it can cause weakness, irritability, and fatigue (Marcin). Thus, people with underlying conditions should consult a doctor before deciding to start the Special K diet.

The Quality of the Sources About the Product

There are various sources supporting the claim that the Special K diet helps achieve short-term weight loss. They range from consumers’ testimonials to secondary and primary sources. The most valuable ones are the research articles that have been summarized in Gianturco and Perez’s meta-analysis. The effectiveness of the Special K diet was proved in several randomized controlled trials, among other studies. Since there is scientific evidence from different scholars that Kellogg’s products lead to short-term weight loss, one can conclude that the company’s claim is true.

Personal Opinion About the Product

I would occasionally buy the Special K cereal, but rather as a breakfast option than a product for weight loss. This decision has several reasons: first, the Special K cereals do not provide a long-term weight reduction. It means that if I need to lose weight, I will need to make more substantial changes to my lifestyle than consuming this product for two weeks. Second, I agree with Marcin, who argues that eating cereal each day can be tiring. Finally, this diet seems to be very restrictive as there is only one meal a day that can contain foods of my choice. Therefore, I would prefer to eat balanced meals every day and exercise regularly to keep fit, occasionally consuming the Special K cereal for breakfast.


The Special K diet is a two-week program that helps achieve true weight loss by reducing caloric intake. Although there is scientific evidence that it leads to a decrease in weight and waist circumference, its effects are short-term. Adhering to the Special K diet for a long time is not recommended because of its restrictiveness. Additionally, it should not be used by people with chronic conditions or any other health issues without previously consulting a doctor. However, this diet can be an appropriate choice for generally healthy people who want to achieve short-term weight loss or find motivation for pursuing long-term weight loss efforts.

Works Cited

Gianturco, Paige, and Vanessa Perez. “A Meta-Analysis of Intervention Trials Examining the Effects of a Simple 2-Week Weight Loss Program on Body Weight and Waist Circumference.” Journal of Nutritional Health & Food Science, vol. 4, no. 1, 2016, pp. 1-9.

Marcin, Ashley. “What Is the Special K Diet and Can It Help You Lose Weight?” Healthline, 2019.

Saanvi, Sharma. “Kellogg’s Special K Diet Plan: Benefits, How It Works, Side Effects.” Styles At, 2020.

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