Telephone Technology: Impact on Communication Field

The introduction of telephones was a great breakthrough in the communication field between individuals and businesses. There was a significant reduction in the time used to pass information from one person to the other. The growth of telephone technology has led to continual growth in the segments of reach among many businesses (Quan-Haase, 2021). Notably, the capacity for empathy and real understanding lies in body language, eye contact, and tonal voice. With the introduction of telephones, these significant aspects of communication were lost as people interact virtually instead of physically.

Cyberbullying is the deliberate action of a person to use the internet or cellphones to harass or upset someone else. This can take place through the posting of cruel messages or images about another person. On the other hand, drama means the daily disputes amongst friends and occurs virtually by the use of cellphones and the internet. Cyberbullying involves a continuous act of digital harassment while drama relates to a wider context. The reason why teens may term cyberbullying as drama is the consideration of digital bullying as a repeated action of harassment and drama as a mere online dispute between people. It is hard to resolve disputes concerning cyberbullying and drama among the youth due to various reasons. The major reason is the fact that every youngster considers the terminologies from various viewpoints (Quan-Haase, 2021). The differences in perceptions of the two terms make it hard to mediate the youth in incidences of online harassment.


Quan-Haase A. (2021). VitalSource. VitalSource. Web.

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