The student is 18 and his first language is Thai. The level of the student’s proficiency is elementary. The learner has quite significant vocabulary but his writing and grammar are poor. The young man is learning English as he wants to master the language to obtain a well-paid job as it is great advantage for an applicant to speak English. The socioeconomic status of the family has improved considerably over the past few years and his parents are now able to invest more in their son’s education. However, the student will not use the language extensively in the nearest future as he is attending a college in Thailand. He might use English in communicating via social networks and at English classes but he is unlikely to have enough English practice. It is necessary to note that since the student’s first language is Thai, he is acquainted with the English alphabet. More so, he uses some words borrowed from English though he pronounces the words in a specific ‘Thai’ manner. Thai and English are very different and the student has numerous issues with pronunciation (especially stress) and grammar.
Evaluation of Linguistic Proficiency
The student was asked a number of questions concerning his plans for future and the reasons for learning English. It is possible to provide a piece of his oral speech to analyze some of common mistakes the student makes:
- aɪ ta-‘raɪ ‘lɜːn ‘ɪŋglɪʃ ‘verɪ ‘gu… ɪt’ɪs ‘verɪ dɪfɪ’kut
- ‘bʌt ‘aɪ ‘get pɜː’fekt
- ənd we’peɪ ‘ʤɔb
The orthographically transcribed text is as follows: “I try learn English very good… It is very difficult. But I get perfect and well-paid job”. It is clear that interference is the major reason for the mistakes (see table 1). It is also noteworthy that when the student is more focused and speaks slowly, he makes fewer mistakes. At the same time, the speaker’s listening skills are proper when the teacher uses simple words and speaks slowly.
When it comes to grammar, it is possible to consider the following piece:
- I start learn English two years ago.
- I not want bad job
- for I need help my family.
As seen from table 2, the major reason is interference and lack of knowledge. The student was speaking rather slowly and with numerous mistakes in pronunciation and stress. It is noteworthy that the student was a bit nervous.
As for writing, it is possible to take a closer look at the following extract from the student’s writing:
- I preffer going to cinema.
- I likemoviesabout super hero. I like Batman, Ironman, Spiderman.
- My favorit movie is X men.
As seen from table 3, writing is weaker than speaking as there are many errors. Lack of morphological knowledge is major reason for mistakes though there are still traces of interference. Clearly, the student has issues with English spelling as it is very differ from Thai. It is also noteworthy that the student uses simple vocabulary but uses all the words correctly.
The student was asked to write about his hobby. He was supposed to write a letter to his pen friend. The register used was appropriate. However, the use of linking sentences and words was not effective. Handwriting was also good enough as it was readable though there were cases of merging (the student forgot about space between words).
Lesson Plan
Main objective: After this lesson, the student will be able to write words properly, use present and past simple (endings –s and -ed).
Materials used: worksheets (exercises on tenses), board, handout (Past regular, n.d.).
Warm-up (5 min): The teacher greets and asks the following: How are you? Then there is a question on the board: What’s your favorite film/book? The student reads and answers it.
Presentation 1 (10 min): The teacher writes the following words on the board: middle, grass, prefer, spoon, settle, proof, pass, clock plus. The student reads and translates the words. Then he writes them down in an alphabetical order. It is possible to ask him to make up a sentence or two.
Production activity (5 min). After that, (on a separate sheet of paper) the student is welcome to add the doubles as suggested by Clutterbuck (2000):
Add oo (one word is extra as it needs only one o): sp___n, pr___f, cl___ck
Add ss (one word is extra as it needs only one s): pa____, plu____, gra___
Add doubled letters where necessary: mi____le, pre___er, se____le
Presentation 2 (10 min): Using the handout, the teacher discusses the use of past tense with the student. The student makes up sentences. The student uses the same cards to practice present simple (including negative forms).
Production activities (10 min): The student works on exercise on past simple (“Elementary grammar exercise”, 2014). After that, the student works on present simple (“Elementary grammar exercise: Past simple tense”, 2014).
Speaking activity: The teacher talks with the student about things he and his sister/parents did yesterday. He is welcome to ask questions to the teacher.
In conclusion, it is possible to note that the student makes spelling and grammar mistakes. The student also has issues with pronunciation. Major reasons for that are interference and lack for morphological knowledge. Clearly, it is important to take into account peculiarities of the Thai language when teaching the student.
Reference List
Clutterbuck, P. (2000). Blake’s word bank. New York, NY: Blake Education.
Elementary grammar exercise: Past, present and future tenses. (2014). Web.
Elementary grammar exercise: Past simple tense. (2014). Web.
Past regular. (n.d.). Web.