Key Takeaways from the FedEx 2010 Global Citizenship Update

The pros and cons of the current highway funding structure

Highway Trust Fund is the organization through which the government of the United States provides financing to the highways. Over the last few years, the fund failed to keep its balance positive and the Congress passed the bill that authorized money transfer from the General Fund. The shortcomings of the HTF is that the money received from the taxes often end up being spent on the projects that are not top-priority in terms of the interests of the states. Through HTF the federal authorities impose their own rules and regulations which not always meet the needs of the states, for example the federal standards for road building may require more resources, which will make the construction of the highways more expensive. However, despite the HTF crisis, the main advantage of this funding structure is the fair principle of the user-supported system that the fund was based on.

The impact of sustainability efforts by Walmart on the larger logistics industry

In 2015, Wal-Mart launched a campaign for sustainability. The goal of this campaign is to address the problems of the environment pollution. The Wal-Mart has declared that the company will take decisive actions for the cause of the sustainability effort. In terms of this campaign, one of the measures is raising awareness among Wal-Mart’s customers about the possible negative impact of some products on the environment. The sustainability campaign particularly focuses on the reducing of greenhouse gas emissions. All the products will be thoroughly examined for the contain of the GGE, and all necessary actions required for eliminating its negative effects will be taken. Another goal of the company is the reduction of carbon, which will lead to the less usage of the energy as it becomes more valuable resource day by day. Wal-Mart’s sustainability campaign is a good illustration of the big businesses taking responsibility for their actions. The campaign addresses specific problems such as reducing the greenhouse gas emissions and the energy saving. Wal-Mart sets an example for other companies, and hopefully they will follow its lead and will take a stand against the challenges of the environment pollution.

The importance of Fedex Global Citizenship Program

FedEx, the company that provides delivery services around the globe, encourages its employees to grow both on personal and on professional levels. For this purposes the company has created the program called Global Citizenship, whose goal is to address environmental and economic issues, as well as to create the global community of people dedicated to the mission of the company. As the Vice President of the FedEx Jim Parker states, “part of our corporate philosophy and strategy is to be good citizens of the Earth” (Official FedEx YouTube Channel, 2011). During the H1N1 pandemic FedEx was the only company that delivered vaccines from the manufacturers to the countries that were affected by the virus. In terms of the environmental issues, the company developed the recycling stations project, which provided communities with a chance to recycle their trash. Another example of the company’s humanitarian agenda is the rescue of the gulf turtles that were damaged by the oil spill in the Mexican Gulf. FedEx’s main goal is not just an economic development but also providing their customers, small businesses, and the global community with the opportunity of growth. The company encourages their workers to be positive role models for the community by including the ethical agenda into their mission.

Reference List

Official FedEx YouTube Channel. (2011). Delivering a Better World: The 2010 FedEx Global Citizenship Update. [Video file]. Web.

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