The “Advertising” Article in Encyclopedia Britannica

The article on review is titled “Advertising” and was published by Encyclopedia Britannica in 2012. It explores the history of advertising and how that has changed over time. The author describes how advertising is used to call attention to products and how it can be effective if done correctly. The Britannica article stipulates that advertising companies create advanced initiatives for their clients using data obtained from consumer behavior studies, whereas businesses use digital tools to reach consumers. Advertising can not only assist to enlighten people about products but also impact media content. According to Britannica, criticisms of advertising include the assertion that the buyer must reimburse for the advertisement cost by paying more for commodities and allowing goods to be mass marketed to lower prices. Major advertising campaigns are so expensive that few firms can afford them, helping such companies dominate the market.

According to the article, advertising may cause the costs of products and services to rise since it directly influences the price which one pays for an item because it is an expense that is transferred onto the customer. However, advertising also has the potential to bring prices down by enabling the mass marketing of products. Britannica outlined that the criticism of advertising is that the consumer must pay for the cost of advertising in the form of higher prices for goods. The article extends its exploration of advertising with an argument that major advertising campaigns are costly and affordable only to a few companies, which helps them “to dominate the market” (“Advertising” par. 3). Smaller organizations and businesses cannot compete at the country level and are forced to advertise locally and online. This difference implies that advertising may aid established and large companies in achieving market dominance at the expense of their smaller rivals.

Work Cited

“Advertising.” Encyclopedia Britannica Online School Edition, 2012.

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StudyCorgi. "The “Advertising” Article in Encyclopedia Britannica." August 28, 2023.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "The “Advertising” Article in Encyclopedia Britannica." August 28, 2023.

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