The American Health Care Bill

Rapidly increasing medical costs have created barriers on the endeavors to provide affordable health care to the low and middle class citizens. Deteriorating economies and high levels of unemployment have led to many hardships in life, thus the inability of many citizens to meet their health care bills. More so, affordability of quality health care for the young and elderly who are not insured under health schemes has become a big challenge. In this case, the patient protection and affordable care act will be the only solution to many problems in public health care. Great reforms are anticipated from the implementation of this legislation; whereby it will increase the accessibility of health insurance to the low and middle class who can’t afford health insurance under the private sector (Barr, 2002).

Importantly, there are many benefits than loses from the implementation of this bill both to the government, citizens and the stakeholders in the health sector. In connection to this, this bill is aiming at reducing the uninsured citizens in America by more than 31 million thus leaving out only a small percentage uninsured. Based on this case, the American government will have greatly achieved in ensuring a healthy society; whereby every individual will be able to afford the medical services. In regard to this, the health bill is very beneficial since it ensures equality among all people by ensuring that subsidies are given to the low and middle class (Barr, 2002).

Unfortunately, the patient protection and affordable care act is incomplete in many aspects. In connection to this, the patient protection and affordable care act does not cover undocumented immigrants in America. Based on this scenario, the bill is to some extent instilling inequality and discrimination thus not fully acceptable. Further, the immigrants in America count for a significant percentage of the population; thus their exclusion is worrying. In addition, the bill does not cover all health services like abortion thus leading to dissatisfaction of the clients who wish to insure in the health cover (Barr, 2002).

Importantly, the health bill can also be criticized for lack of clear guidelines regarding the hospitals and health centers which qualify to offer services under the health bill. In this scenario there are many loopholes created in the selection of the participating hospitals. Based on this case, chances of dishonest and fraud are very high which may lead to loss of public resources. Further, the process of selecting the participating hospitals is likely to be dominated by unfairness since all hospitals are not given equal opportunities (Barr, 2002).

Additionally, the patient protection and affordable care act is likely to lead to wrangles in the market. In relation to this, the government is potential of creating unfair competition to the private sector through the cheaper health insurance. Further, the bill has no clear guidelines on the health problems to be covered under the scheme and the limits of costs and benefits to be catered for by the bill (Barr, 2002).

It is important to note that, the health bill has much good for the citizens of America but a lot of changes need to be carried on it first. In relation to this, there should be clear guidelines on the costs and benefits to be catered for in the bill together with which hospitals qualify to participate. To sum up, it is evident that with the necessary correction done on the bill; it will no doubt solve all problems in the health sector (Barr, 2002)


Barr, D.A. (2002). Introduction to U.S. Health Policy: The Organization, Financing, and Delivery of Health Care in America. Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press.

Medicare Consumer Guide: The easy way to understand the Medicare Health Care System. The Medicare Quick Program Overview. Web.

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2009. Web.

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