The American Revolution and the Declaration of Independence

The American Revolution

The American Revolution was caused by the colonial opposition to British attempts to establish significant control over the colonies and ensure that they compensated the crown for its protection during the French and Indian War. More specifically, one of the main causes of this event was a cultural and geographic separation between the settlements and Britain. Traveling between these lands was time- and cost-intense and the cultural barrier continued to grow as the nations developed (Mays, 2019). Social norms and class division were essential in England, while American colonies had an opportunity to obtain freedom through land ownership. As can be seen, such a difference in viewpoints resulted in the development of certain values among the colonist, such as independence and liberty. Therefore, cultural and geographic separation was an important cause of the American Revolution as it contributed to the establishment of American identity as opposed to the British.

The Declaration of Independence

The Declaration of Independence is a critical document for the foundation of the United States as it established a foundation for core American values and principles, such as independence, human rights, and equality. The Second Continental Congress adopted this document as a declration of the independence of the American colonies from Britain (Mays, 2019). Based on the concept of the common good, such goals were determined as the creation of the government and the establishment of people’s right to disobey and change the authorities that violate these inherent rights. Furthermore, a number of rules were implemented for various aspects of human life, such as military, trade, city-building, law, and others. Overall, this document was pivotal for the founding of the US since it determined the government’s activity and responsibility before the population.


Mays, T. M. (2019). Historical dictionary of the American Revolution. Rowman & Littlefield.

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