The Application of Home Automation System


This is a report that deals with all kinds of information related to the application of home automation system. The paper has been structured to see the possibilities and the process for the installation of home automation system. The matters related to its advantages and disadvantages are well discussed here and there are al kinds of information that are being collected to support of the matter.

Executive summary

The objective of this report is to explore the supportive factors related to the application of home automation system. There is an exclusive study in making it more comprehensive and popular. The factors in general are analyzed for better understanding. The matters in concern to conservation of energy, home security and health care have been well analyzed. The report has been constructed with the motive of analyzing the aspects that can make home automation system an integral part of modern household.


The term Home automation systems is in it a full-fledge service provider. There are many aspects are solved through the provision of peace of mind for all those people who are into the task of home making. It solves lots of problems and brings in all kinds of comfort and support in the most troublesome conditions. The weary home-owners can have multi-tasking through the application of home automation system. They can mange their household works in much easier way and at the same time can bring in securities to the house. With the application of home automation system one can easily have the alarms for the criminals and can well prevent them from getting into the household. Home automation system has got the outfits for a perfect home. It can well privilege the household with security cameras, motion detectors and various kinds of burglar alarms. For security purposes it is the best solution that a household can ever chose to have. As a house gets well equipped with home automation system there comes in enough security measures to support the all the needs of the house. There are lots of revolutionary and technical modifications are done in the development of home automation systems. These are so sophisticated and so well controlled by professional companies that there are all kinds of necessary additions and guaranteed services made available.

It is the best ever means for the do-it-yourself kind of homeowners. The whole system can be well installed and the functionality can start instantly. There are the provisions that can be well managed by the home computer. The whole controlling system and the technical aspects related to home automation system can be well supported by the controls from the computer. The only that needs emergency switches is the burglar alarms. These are not drain with resources. All these facilities are so well stuffed that they remain much cheaper than what actually is. By availing the facilities through home automation system the process not only becomes cheap, it is also very relaxing and effective. The popularity of Home automation is growing very rapidly and is utilized in every household in the recent times. Even if someone does not prefer to have it, still cannot deny the facilities provided by it. Being a new revolutionary technology with more practical expectation and all kinds of affordable applications, the home automation systems are perfectly made for the readily available benefits in any kind of house. The provisions are so automated that is also possible for any household to own it. The provision is made popular for its wireless facility in the home automation.

In reality many people are not sure of what exactly the home automation system is all about. As a matter of fact it is a highly technologically supported and sophisticated made wireless device for all-round purpose of a house. Its purpose is to give automatic control over all the necessary appliances and to support in the well structured functionality of every device that is adjacent to it. Initially the popularity was highly hindered due to high prices, poor performance and complicated set-up and operation. There are also reasons like those of rewiring the home, which is no doubt turns up as expensive.

However by modern applications, all these troubles are sorted out to a great extent and the machines are all well equipped with home-centric coordination. ‘Industry and associations’ declares that along with this there is also the coordination of electronic retail outlets for wireless home automation with starter kit that can be obtained in $100. “Home Automation Market to Witness Robust Growth and Reach $2.4 billion by 2010” too makes such assessments. It also has got the option of having more activities than the lighting control. The provisions are so accumulated that anybody can receive detailed text message anywhere, whether be it at home or at work. The purpose is to make the consumer aware of every single happening that he or she wants to keep a track of. These are so well synchronized that you can even receive messages, telling you that your kids have arrived at home. Everything about the TV, the rooms and every single place at home are made a part of the information delivery system. Even if you are outdoors you can have all the updates about the happenings at home. This is perfectly made to make you aware of every single thing that happens in your absence.

By means of the automated homes, are not just limited to people who are wealthy and techno savvy. These are meant for al the households that want all kinds of assistance. With the relevant devices and the right selection anybody can renovate their house and can well establish their own periphery. These are made quite affordable to every class without any compromise to the service quality. There is a simultaneous ease-of-use in these products that makes them so dominant in the market. As a matter of fact the packages are so structured that it can meet the necessary needs of your household and can also come into your budget. The system of home automation with wireless facilities brings in the scope for all classes for a whole process in automating the home. Till date all kinds of new products are been added to the list and all the standards in the category of wireless home control are found to be more than 170 products. The ranges and the variety are from different aspects to serve all possible means that are there in a household.

According to ‘A quick introduction to home automation’, all these modern equipments as stated by ‘Life|Ware’ are interoperable and this is the reason that they are friendly to any user. Anybody can just start with a few of the available products and slowly can go on increasing the usability. As the comfort and the time management will become integral to the household worked the usability will also get into the process. Anyone will be able to manage with the daily schedule and the best part is that they will be able to have more time to suit their personal demands and needs. The highly appreciated benefits of all these products are related to the availability for an ideal solution. The solution is very much a part of the whole wireless system of home automation. The benefits are so easy to avail that they are very proper to be a part of your household, in order to provide you with necessary assistance.

The Benefits

The basic benefits that are related to home automation system; are all related to the factors of reliability, affordability, assistance in terms of time management and above all helping you out in managing some time for yourself. Added to these the security provision through burglar alarms and all kinds of provision to keep you update about your household turns up top be of great support for the homemakers.

Energy Conservation

The home automation has got the biggest benefit through the conservation of energy. There is provision of making a shift from gas and electric bills. As these bills are growing along with the global warming, there are great provisions made by home automation system in meeting the ends. The purpose is to serve for the conservation of energy. This is a great boon to the whole environmental process. With the wireless home control and the equipments for automation technologies, the scopes of making the consumption of energy limited, is highly appreciated. It is not only the way to save the global resources but is also of great support to the household budget. With the help of wide ranges and sophisticatedly structured sensors and controllers the use of energy gets limited and the consumption too comes under the necessary margin. With home automation system the whole house can be so well tailored that all the expenses will get curtailed thereby. There will be proper and proportionate means to manage the energy that gets consumed in a household

The usages that get applied to the house can be well intervened buy the homeowners. Through internet connection they can well keep a watch at their house. No matter wherever they are they can have all the updates and can keep a track of every happening. These unique applications are made possible through HVAC system, the modernized systematic lights and the sophisticated appliances.

Home Security or the Remote Home Monitoring

In any household the matter of security is above all kinds of requirements. These are all well provided by the home automation systems. By the wireless home automation there are lots of solutions that can be allowed over the house and people can well avail the measures for prevention for any risk. It has been designed in order to allow the consumers keep a track of the house by keeping a watch over the household through monitoring acts. ‘Senior Safety’, declares that with home automation system, the home owners can keep an eye over every single issue and can well establish the home automation system for all kinds of preventive means. It also can be utilized with bigger perspectives. It can well allow the consumers in receiving real-time email or the short text message alerts. The purpose is to keep him or her aware of every movement that gets sensed. The users can well keep a watch over their Fido, or in some instances nanny back at home. The elderly people get lots of support through it. By the means of motion-detectors and well stuffed cameras placed near the windows and sometimes in the doors brings in lots of security related aspects under notice (Penny Cheek, 2005, pp.329-338).

Home Health Care

There are lots of supports that are provided through the home automation system. These are all for the best possible purpose of having health and safety measures related to the child or the elderly person who is at home. With the help and proper installation of home automation one can have peace of mind. The simple reason is that he or she will be able to be aware of all possible circumstances that are related to the people in concern, knowing that loved ones are safe and sound. These home automation systems are designed in order to allow the home owner to get all the communicative devices just a hand distance. Under affordable ranges there are lots of things that you can get into the house to support the elderly member of the hose. These are also designed for the disabled members of the house. The equipments are so designed that they can make the elderly and the disable members of the house self-confident and they can help themselves in more possible way.

Areas to Be Covered in the Research

There are all kinds of broader aspects that need to be scrutinized in the field of making a broader analysis. There are some more aspects that need to be scrutinized and this is the basics of the whole research that has been undertaken. There are all kinds of planning and futuristic scopes. Keeping in mind these things there is a very selective proceeding that has been undergone through in this proposal. My selections are all for the futuristic approaches.

Occupancy is such a categorical expectation of the Home automation system that it facilitates the system with 2 or sometimes more [as per the need] operating modes. It aims for a building of automation system. As it s very much active through the acceptability through Morning Warmup, unoccupied, and things like those of Night-time Setback, there is the possibility for the functionality for other common modes too. It is in total based on the factors that are related to time of day schedules and works exactly to the demand of the schedule. In the whole systematic declarations of Occupancy mode, the role played by the BAS is very important. It undertakes the objectives that are provided for the purpose of comfortable climate and in most of the instances are meant for the adequate lighting. Added to this there is the scope for the zone-based control. It is encouraged as to make the users on a side of the building to have varied kinds of situations of thermostat. It is also very much involved through the different system, or in some specialized cases of sub system. This is again very uniquely applicable to the users on the other side. In the accumulative processing of the system the control over the temperature sensor is well selective in terms of making the distinctive applicability in the zone. This is the process that makes the system well structured for providing feedback to the controller. This is for the purpose of holding the limitation in the delivery of heating or cooling as every needed.

As the provisions are being made and the scopes are structured the Morning Warmup (MWU) mode gets presented before the functionality of Occupancy come into being. Tekla Perry, declares that the activities as has been observed for the BAS, through Morning Warmup; try to make a very comfortable setting in the building to selected setpoint that gets declared just in time for Occupancy. The BAS is the turning point of the system and is the actual factor for the purpose of outdoor conditions and the relative situations with historical experience in order to activate and generate MWU.

There is the override that comes into being through the manual-initiation that gets along to the command and control of the BAS. It can be well realized that there are many modernized wall-mounted temperature sensors. These are all for providing a push-button to the purpose of generating the adequate forces to the system. It is done with the objective of having the functionality work deep into Occupancy mode. This is very selective for the arrangement of a set of discerning number of minutes. In terms of the time arrangement the present gets the web interfaces that very dynamically allow the users to initiate from remote existence and thereby brings in the state to override on the BAS.

There are some kinds of buildings that are more constructed through the occupancy sensors. This is the means that can bring in the activating purpose of lighting and simultaneously the climate conditionings. As there is the potential for longer arrangements for the status to lead times, the predominant arrangements make the space for the sufficiently assembled cool or as per the choice the warm state. Along with it there is the climate conditioning that is relevantly not initiated directly through the occupancy sensor. The provision for systematic distribution leads to the better management and the arrangements are very properly synchronized.

Analytical categories

The analytical aspect of this proposal concentrates on all these factors and it is here that the distributions are so well crafted. The purpose is to bring in the factors that stand for the applicability of the system under all possible circumstances. In the research there are many aspects that will be led for the proper understanding and the applicability of the system. The usability gets analyzed for the purpose of making it more feasible. The purpose of the whole methodology is dependent over the presentation process that is going to be the basis for the future analytical inspection.


The phenomenal application of lighting is analyzed on the characteristic feature of turning on and off on regular intervals. This is analysed with the building automation system that is based on the records as has been maintained for time of day. This is also a kind of maintenance that ids done over the occupancy sensors and through the application of the timers. In this instance, we can have the typical analysis by turning the lights in a space. As for Bowie, Larry, this can be done through the estimated half hour calculation since the point that is in the last motion and was well sensed. The activity can be better synchronized through a photocell that is placed exactly in a position outside a building. This brings in the sensibility of understanding the sense of darkness along with the accurate time of the day. The purpose gets well synchronized on the basis of the modulated lights that are distributed in outer the offices. They are also applicable to the places like those of the parking lot.

Air handlers

The experimental aspects related to the system get the activation through the air handlers. The air handlers are mixed in return and on the alternative was the outside air gets into the less temperature with a drastic change in it. This is a well proofed mechanism that can save money through the means of less chilled atmosphere or with the extremely heated water. One thing that needs to be marked here is related to the negation of the use of all AHUs that are in a chilled as per the demand in the hot water circuits. These applications are also very much reliable for some external air that gets into the system and needs to be kept intake for the building of the circumstance that keeps the air healthy.

The analysis of the analog or well synchronized and accurate digital temperature sensors has got the possibility of being placed in an area that has got the returning provision and the accurate supply of the air ducts. As opposed to this there is also the means that stand for the external air to get well generated. The actuators are so well managed that they can be placed on any temperature, irrespective of the hot and or the chilled water valves. The whole phenomenal proceeding gets held outside the air manipulating sector and in return it gives out the damp air. The mater that needs to be noticed is related to the state where the supply fan gets started and then eventually stopped on the basis of the selective time. It can be either of the hours of the day with any varied position of the temperature or can be the within the act of building pressures. The possibilities of application are also very relevant to the aspects related to combination of all these conditions.

Constant Volume Air-Handling Units

The participation of constant volume air handling in the provisional expectation is seems to be less efficient. This type of air-handler is mostly considered to be CAV or the Constant Volume Air Handling Unit. The reason that makes it so is related to the factors that has got the involvement of the fans in CAVs. These are the fans that do not have the scope for the varied-speed controls. However the usability as has been initiated by CAVs laid emphasis over the open and close conditional dampers. These are also very much a part of the whole mechanical derivation for the purpose of water-supply valves in order to maintain the fluctuation that persists in the temperatures that exists in the building’s spaces. The act of heating or the cooling of the spaces can be well recognized through the opening or the activated procedure of closing the chilled or very dynamically raised temperature of the water valves. This gets feed into the position that is decided for the internal heat exchangers for all negotiable circumstances in maintaining the temperature. It has been discovered that one CAV can very dramatically bring in the scope for the purpose of serving all kinds and various spaces. However in the cases related to the large buildings there can be a situation for the installation of many CAVs.

Variable Volume Air-Handling Units

The idea of the research is to find out more efficient unit, which is very much in concern to the “Variable air volume (VAV) Air-Handling Unit”. This is also known as VAV. The supply of the VAVs gives the situational pressure of air to the entire VAV box. It is usually a state where one box gets placed per room or more particularly per area. The application of the VAV air handler has got the provision for the changed capability in the pressure to the VAV boxes. This is done through the mechanical application for the purpose of getting the activities in the changing speed of the devices like those of the fan or blower. This is done of course with properly managed variable frequency drive. The applications are also minimized in respect the circumstances that are less efficient. This can be done by the means of moving inlet guide vanes to a specific position related to the fixed-speed fan. In the process the amount of air gets determined through the various needs that are demanded by the prevalent spaces. This is done to get served by the VAV boxes. In the possible circumstance, it can be well realized that each VAV box has got the capability to supply the air also irrespective of the area covered by the small space. This hope automation system can therefore be made very much a part of an office.

In every particular analysis, the consequences can be well realized that each box has got the occupant space for much damper situation. It is here that there comes in the opened or more deliberately stated closed space. The assessment can be made over the amount of the temperature tat gets generated. It can be well proportioned and the whole process of heating or cooling can be managed as per the choice. This gets well structures in accordance to the availability of the space and the area. The phenomenal and mechanical derivations are determined on the basis of the number of boxes that are opened and the amount of air that gets generated. More boxes can be opened as per the need. The manipulative function gets in abundance with the increase in the number of boxes that are opened. To fulfill the need for a greater amount of air the VAV air-handling unit can be thus managed well with proper application. The situational variations are all under the possibilities of being able to manage with VAV boxes of various sizes. The basic need of having the hot water valves along with internal heat exchange can be considered mandatory. The purpose of the valves for varied supply of hot and cold water can be derived through the means of closing and opening of system. The demands can thus be well fulfilled and the temperature can be kept under well balanced state.

Understanding the methods for controlling

There is of course a discovery been made in order to get the method for controlling an exclusive home automation system. In this system the formulation takes place through a PC. The purpose is for controlling electric home appliances, web sites and added to these two is also for the establishment of communication between the web sites. The accessibility gets concerned with the electric home appliances that get provided. The method is very simple and by step by step proceeding anyone can avail it. The proceeding includes the process with the establishment of including proper mechanical and strong communicative means with the web sites. It is also something that can be well followed through electric home appliances. The system can get effective through the predetermined program.

There will be a step for the purpose of displaying a web page. This can also be for the option for or a local page. As per the communicative systems for the establishment of result oriented means there is the step for the displaying the predetermined corresponding web page. This again is applicable to local page. The determination gets counted to a number of connected electric home appliances for regular convenient proceedings. The system has made the processing unit run smooth and with the controlling process of proper corresponding appliance, got the controlling button that functions for the displayed page.

The modern methodological arrangements are made more sophisticated for a Building Automation System that is also called BAS. This BAS is basically an exemplification of the Distributed control system. The functionality as has been declared by iControl in “Know Your Loved Ones Are Taken Care Of”; under goes this building of the automation describes the functionality that has been provided by the whole control system. The predominant role played by the control system is a very well synchronised computerized, mechanically well structured and system it is the chief distributive sector in the control of the network of electronic devices. As the whole system gets into the process of manufacturing and designing it works to serve the purpose of controlling and very predominantly speculating over the monitoring structure.

The system as a whole gets into the whole controlling unit and the process gets undermined though mechanical and specified lighting systems. This is very much used in the grounding of the building system. The mechanical persuasion is very much a part of this process and thus an expertise is very viable. In every aspect the device works towards the application of the system for the deliverance of better work and proceedings. The safety and the comfortable assistance are well maintained and thus the system turns up to be user friendly.

The core functionality of this unique and modern BAS is to keep a track of the building that is under the influence of the climate. This is observed very much within a specified range. It is here that there is the provision made accessible for the purpose of lighting. The lighting gets based on a perfectly moulded occupancy schedule. It is here that the monitor system performance along with the device gets into the situation where failures get determined. Added to this system there is the provision, through which the accessibility for email and the scope of text notifications can be well availed. It is for the building of the well trained and professional engineering staff. The exclusive functionality of BAS assists in the process of reducing the collectively circulated building energy. It also functions towards the maintenance of the total costs invested in the process. This can be well realised as it get well compared to the non-controlled building. In most cases when a building is under the supervision and processing control by a BAS there is every possible scope that it will get referred and recognised as an intelligent and properly structured building system.

Applicability of home automation system

There are all kinds of methods of application that make the home automation work applicable towards the functionality of assistive domotics. It is a kind of terminological use of the whole concern that affiliates for the making of all accessibility smooth and just appropriate. The methodological application of Home automation is well structured for the purpose of bringing in the possibility for the assistance of elderly and the members of the family who are disabled to live. Their lives get better synchronised and there is still the scope for independent persuasion. The whole process gets well controlled and systematically well structured in terms of proper mechanical speculations. The control can be well enjoyed when the use really gets acquainted with the systematic follow ups. The applications as when get followed brings in the sense of security at home and there is also the added advantage of have the accessibility to a safe and very comfortable stay. The applicability is the biggest asset that makes the usability of this particular product more popular. In spite of all revolutionary upgradation the consistency of serving in the best possible way still exists.

The methods that are usually observed for the functionality of the home automation are very much a part of the whole reliable application. There is the standardised consideration for the issue of becoming a very legitimate and at the same time the viable means of being into the generative system. This is the best choice for the whole smooth controlling process. The elderly people get into the chance of having assistance and that makes them more independent. Celler, Branko, Nigel Lovell, and Daniel Chan, (1999, pp. 518-521) states the option that can be availed for the elderly and the weak or the disable member is to be in the house, without making a further shift to the health care centre. Celler, Branko, Nigel Lovell, and Daniel Chan, (1999, pp. 518-521) states that the facility gets more beneficial, especially for the disabled. People with disability turns up to be more dependent and that breaks their self confidence. The preferences in these special cases are often ignored, but they can be well opted for the provision of staying with more comfortable with a better lifestyle.

With the application and the functionally usable criteria that exist in the home automation system, there are also the scopes that can support for more of its functionality. It is very appropriate to be used by the elderly or the disabled category of the society. The best thing is that there is the sense of reliability that gets counted. There is the development of independence and the self –dependent attitude in the elderly or the disable person (Cheek, Penny, 2005, pp.329-338). The accessibility leads to the possibilities that are related to the comfort zones of their homes. There is also the dependence of having the facility of not making a shift or a move to the healthcare facility. Every possible health care unit can be installed at home. In this field too there is the predominant usability of same technology, added to which there is also the benefitting back up. All the equipments that are facilitated by the home automation are all very much in concern to the security and the safety precautions. The sophisticated provisions are also made possible, in order to get the entertainment along with the energy conservation. However in some cases the provisions are further tailored as per the beneficial attempts. It works towards all the possible aspects that the elderly or the disabled user may prefer to have. The application of this system can bring in the provision for the persuasive considerations that can work towards their independence of can build and raise the confidence level.

Eriksson, Henrik and Timpka, Toomas, (2002, pp.127-131) determines the exclusive persuasion home automation also functions towards the facilities related to the extensive healthcare. This varies as per the preferred range and can be made available from a very simple alert system to a very highly sophisticated and mechanically upgraded version. There is also the means that brings in the application of lavish equipments that are very much well taken care of by the computer. These are all digitally equipped and have got the computerised controlled network interfaces. In some cases there are the specified means for the purpose of monitoring and applying the safety devices in all the home automation services. These are all so well privileged that they can be installed in any household. These are all comprised of lighting and motion sensors. In many cases the applicability is also very dominant in the environmental conditionings. The home automation system designed for the purpose of serving the sector related to healthcare can be well equipped with all the controls connected to automated timers, video cameras, emergency assistance systems, and above all kinds of readily available alerts. These are thus very useful and are very effective in making every comfort possible at a hand distance. Simple formalities related to the installation process can be well availed. The facilities are so well structured that its usability cannot be ignored. There are some provisions that can make the accessibility possible from every criterion. In a nutshell the provision of home automation system has been designed for the independent and to support the healthcare categories. It brings in a systematic provision for the self –dependent means in every possible aspect. The people of elderly state and disable conditions are highly assisted by this system. There will be hardly an aspect that can be left unturned by its use.

Home automation Topology

Home automation is a collection of devices, systems and subsystems with the “ability to interact with each other” or “function independently”. This is the technological device that allows home-owners to control almost any appliance in the house using individual/automatic scheduling methods (Gerhart, 1999). The home automation adds to the characteristic features that make a house “smarter”. It basically integrates a home’s communication, computer, audio-visual, security, lighting, utility and environmental issues so that the home-owner can maximise his benefits from all aspects of his home system (Black & Decker, Lemmer, 2001).

The phenomenal application for the purpose of building automation networks needs to have the facility and the persuasive affiliation of a primary and more sequential secondary bus. This is the means that can be well connected for the purpose of having the connectivity in a high-level controller. In general it gets specified for the specialized means in the building of automation. However there are also the instances that can be generic in the programmable process. It is here that the pressure gets counted for the programming basis in the logic controllers section. In terms of having the facilities related to the lower-level controllers, there is the provision of making a choice in the input and the applicable output devices. The choice as has been made by the user interface has been introduced in terms of human interface device.

The process for the identification of the primary and the predetermined secondary bus can well get structured for ARCNET, RS-485, RS-232, optical fiber, BACnet, ethernet or in terms of the available wireless network. As a matter of fact in most of the cases the derivative controllers are all structured under proprietary characteristics. There are indeed various variations in the process of managing the topological aspects of the home automation system. These variations are all different in terms of different companies that are into the industry. There are some aspects that show that every company prefers to use their own specialized controllers for all kinds of specified applications. In this race there all kinds of variations. The designs vary and within a very limited controlling hold the companies make their own creations as per the predetermined designs. The variation can be in terms of being simple Packaged Roof Top Unit or can be those that are designed for more flexible ability. However in most cases the usability is in concern to the proprietary software that gets structured with the ability to work with the software devices that are like those of ASHRAE’s BACnet. The application can made as per the criteria that support the proprietary LonTalk in the automation system.

The terminological derivations are separated in categorise that are distributed separately as inputs and outputs. These are partially considered either as analog or digital. For some companies this dual processing is called the binary in function. In this system of using the analog inputs there is the means that gets differentiated for the reading that can be collected in variable measurement. These variable measurements are all related to the factors of humidity, temperature and pressure sensor. These are all well categorized as thermistor, 0-10 Volt, 4-20 mA or as Platinum RTD, that is the resistance temperature detector or in terms of wireless sensors. The functionality of all these get determined more systematically and a digital input to it can well facilitate for the indication of various waves irrespective of whether the device is turned off on or kept.

The applicable digital inputs can be determined as those like a 24VDC relay or it can be the classified form of the air flow switch. The purpose of analog outputs can be very much related to the control and the speed or the derivative position of a particular device. These derivations can be in various frequencies and can drive an I-P. This I-P transducer is the current that is for the purpose of pneumatics, can have variation with an actuator. There is the exemplified position that can be determined in terms of a hot water with an open valve of 25%, in order to maintain an assessment point. There is the provision for the use of digital outputs. These are done, in order to open and close the derivative relays and all those switches that are functioning for the purpose. This gets well determined bin terms of the parking lot lights, as it is here that the photocell can be found indicating the darkness.

Scope and Infrastructure

The whole system of home automation is also known as ‘smart homes’ or ‘domotics’ (Eriksson, Henrik and Timpka, Toomas, 2002, pp.127-131). This is the reason that there are many fields and scopes related to the building of home automation. It is the means that can well specialize in the process of collecting all kinds of specific automation requirements in the personal zone. These are all used within a private home and all the scopes of its functionalities are highly applicable to the latest automation techniques. The applications are all meant for the ultimate comfort and the privileged security of all the residents in a household. There is no denial to the fact that many of its techniques are used in the process of building automation. These are the system that has got the control over the light, climate, doors and window shutters within the range of the household. No matter wherever the home owner is, he will be able to keep a track of the security and all sorts of surveillance systems, for his house. “Know Your Loved Ones Are Taken Care Of” states that these security and the surveillance systems, privileged in the home automation, is counted as the additional function that can make people more secured, even if they are away from home. The protection from burglars is the most distinctive scope that needs to be well applied to the whole system. The popularity of the whole system id appreciated and the participation is growing day by day. In the process of installation of the home automation system, anybody can include the whole control system of the multi-media home entertainment systems. It is a planned and a well versed system that supports the mechanical and the resourceful application of the home automation system. There is the provision for automatic plant watering system tat saves time from the making of a healthy garden. There is also the provision for pet feeding and the owner need not have to take the hassle for it. There is the provision for automatic scenes that comes in during the dinners and parties turning it into a hot and happening place. Cetron (1997) discusses the roadmap towards a digitised future consisting of smart home applications such as smart toasters, media butlers and touch-interface utilities. The chief characteristic feature is in being very user-friendly and thus the control is always interfacing. The act of installing home automation system during construction of a new building is much cheaper. The office or the home, whatever comes in gets the full-fledged support in of technology in the management of every single thing. The system is absolutely wire-less and that brings in more support to the system within a house with children.

The infrastructural participation has got the aspects that determine the functionalities related to the controllers. These are very essential and got the aspects that are also the determining factors for small and dynamically built purpose for the computers. There is the amalgamation of input and output capabilities. The applications of the controllers are available in various ranges and sizes. These variations are all for the fact that the applications varies as per the sizes and the sorted capabilities in order to control the accessed devices. These are very common in the process of buildings, and are very helpful in terms of controlling sub-networks of controllers. The inputs allow the process of controlling and reading the essential factors like those of humidity, temperatures, current flow, pressure, air flow and etc.

The purpose and the functionalities of the outputs depend on the accessibility allow the controller to communicate and to send command. It is also very effective in terms of controlling signals to slave devices. The effectiveness also is very much worth the other parts of the system. Being both digital or analog makes the system inputs and outputs more interrelated to each other. It is the main activity of the controllers that are used for the purpose of building automation gets synchronized in the following categories. These are:

  • PLCs
  • System/Network controllers
  • Terminal Unit controllers

PLCs – The main objective of PLCs is to provide the exclusive responsiveness and the ultimate systematized processing power. However it is all determined at a unit cost that is very typically within a range of 2 to 3 times of the System/Network controller. It is very much for the purpose of intending for BAS applications. The activity is more prominent as it is the Terminal Unit controllers that are in general utilized for the purpose of are expensive and very minimal powerful possession. There are the possibilities that PLCs can be well utilized in the automated high-end applications. These are the activities involve din the task of cleaning rooms or some public institutions, where the cost of the controllers are considered as marginal.

It is also very much useful in the office buildings, malls, and supermarkets. In general all the public places including hospitals and halls prefer more of these automated systems. The usability of the System/Network controllers increasing and is making a shift with PLC’s. It has been discovered that in most of the System controllers the provisions are made in order to provide general purpose and all the relative feedback loops. Added to all these relative feedback loops, there is the scope for the digital circuits. However the only drawback that lies here is all about the lack that persisted in the millisecond response provided by PLCs.

System/Network controllers – These is this system/network controllers that is very much applicable to control one and sometime more mechanical systems within its periphery. These can be like those of boiler, Air Handler Unit (AHU), chiller and many more. The authorization to supervise a well structured sub-network of controllers is the actual proceeding related to it. System/network controllers are made for the basic functionalities for all those sections that are uncovered by the PLCs. According to Medtronic, Inc., these are the next level expedition for the purpose of making the whole process go in accordance to the structure of the system.

Terminal Unit controllers – Terminal Unit controllers are basically structured to control lighting and much simpler devices. The applications are very much part of the sections like the heat pump, package rooftop unit, VAV box, and in some cases the fan coil and many such related stuff. It is the chief functioning of the installer that typically makes the selection and thereby determines the 1 out of all the available pre-programmed personalities. The selection needs to suit the device in the best possible way. There must be the controlled section that will leave no room for the creation of the control magic.


There is no doubt about the fact that the home automation too has got lots of limitations in it. These are all very important to know and to be careful with. The foremost ting is that we must understand the fact that all the home automation systems are machines and are subject to failure in pretty much way. The process of tailoring the household as per the necessary needs and facilities can sometimes end up with lots of mess. People who are in need of it must also need to practice the understanding of lots of things related to the level of function in it. With the recent advancement there are many scopes that are designed for the purpose of serving the elderly and the disabled members of the family. This is indeed innovative but can also generate lots of opposition if not all the user instructions are not followed. These are the hurdles that are usually faced due to age or due to the disabled factors in not being able to process well with the system.

Added to this there is also the stress that the home owner will keep on feeling about the household and will not been able to concentrate in the work place. Initially it is very supportive but slowly the users do not want to see the messages and thus the liberal aspects again come in. it is also very disturbing for some professions like those related to medical and health care unit. There are instances when the messages get wrongly delivered. Added to this the concentration over the household and the office gets partial and disruptions get obvious.

The next very common hurdle is related to the subject of being user friendly. There are lots of people who are unable to acquaint with the electronic devices and thus face lots of problems while handling it. The matter of affordability too is a kind of question to many people. The system cost much cheaper than the amount of facilities that it provides. But even then the prices are reasonably higher than the middle class budget. The matters related to home security is indeed true and there are many who are benefitted by them. The health care facilities are no doubt planned and synchronized in the best possible way, but the prices related to these devices are too high. People are also there who want to have the provision for some financial support from the U.S. government (Briere & Hurley, 2007; Augusto & Nugent, 2006). The financial assistance for elderly people is not a part of US legislative structure and thus the provision to have a loan for such a home automation system gets limited. People get deprived of it, due to the prices that are determined for sell and installation.

The most tremendously elaborated argument against home automation system is the obvious fear that is related to the lack of human responders. As there is no supervising personality adjacent to the system, people in general are not confident about the machine. They cannot rely much on the system and thus the act of reliability gets questioned. Replacement of technology for human is assertive in many aspects, but when it comes to home, it is really not very convenient to have full reliability over the technological equipments.


Apart from all the hurdles, the research works towards the manipulation of the motivational aspect that determines all sorts of variations for the application of Home Automation system. The purpose is to bring in comfort and more security in the household. With the application of hybrid VAV, the whole household can have the facilities related to chilled water system, hot water system, alarms and security and many such things with the help of Supply of differential pressure switches. This is in deed very helpful in upgrading the lifestyle and saving power and generating more energy. The expenditures get curtailed and the provisions are all made for the purpose of a more lucrative life. The most properly effectiveness can be derived for the elderly and the disabled people of the household. The application of home automation machine is supportive enough in generating the confidence and the self-independent mechanism within the elderly and the disabled members of the house. This is done through the well synchronized means of health facilities made available at a short distance. The target of the research is thus to make the availability and the understanding of the hope automation system to a general perception. I will like to make a very distinct application of the same. There are many aspects that can be well managed and many such things that can bring in various differences in the possibilities of generating these provisions for futuristic approach.

Research diary


The target of my assignment is to discuss with full analytical means all the aspects that re related to the advantages and the disadvantages related to the application of the home automation system. There are many aspects that need to be discussed. As the paper proceeds there are all kinds of interpretive topics get intermingled in order to find out the relevance of the whole research. The home automation systems have been considered as both supportive and comfortable means to bring in peace of mind. However its disadvantages are never ignored. The research also concentrates over the issue and how it has brought in some kind of revolution in the matters related to conservation of energy, home security and above all to the category of health care.

The application of home automation services are supported by many people. Though the system has just completed a year in the market, yet its popularity is still going on. There are many added advantages to this system and so it is very much under speculative perspectives. The research is done to develop all the matters related to the factors of usability of the modern home automation system. The paper is also participating in the understanding of the functionality related to the home automation system. It states how makes life comfortable and simpler.

The reported was well supported by Monash University Library MUL, (2008). The study also involves the research over the understanding of newspapers, articles, magazines and various website links. The exploration has been done in a vivid way to get some of the determining factors related to the subject. Added to this the research has got the comprehensive using process of home automation systems. The applicability of home automation systems is also a part of the whole research. As the system has got enough support and enough user friendly features the installation of it is also very simple. This is made well understood in the report.


The exploration of this paper begins with the analytical perspective of home automation system. There is an elaborative understanding of the basic advantages of home automation system. These are:

  • Conservation of energy
  • Security benefits, and
  • Health care

As for the understanding of the infrastructure and scope of the home automation system, PLCs, System/Network controllers and Terminal Unit controllers are also discussed elaborately.

The paper targets in making the home automation system a use friendly mechanism. No matter whatever the hurdles are it is the means to make people aware of every possible aspect related to the household. Its popularity is well shared in the paper, but at he same time the analytical aspects are also discussed in detail.


The methodological study has been based on the qualitative and quantitative proceedings (Miner, 2003). Added to elaborative and analytical advantages there are also some disadvantages related to the home automation system. These are well discussed in the paper. According to Home Automation Help and Support Forum, all these disadvantages are related to the matter of reliability and affordability. Though the market is demanding that home automation system, is the ultimate solution for all kinds of problems, yet it is the system that can bring in much trouble to the household. Being well synchronized through electronic means the need is always for the understanding of the whole machine and to be a part of its formulations.

The requirements are related to the aspects that can bring in some confidents among the users to accept it at home. The media of course can play a very vital role. Usability and popularity of home automation systems depends a lot on how much it gets accepted in the society.


The assessments are all made on the basis of:

  • Comprehensive usability of the product
  • Social participation
  • Quality analysis
  • Critical acclamations
  • Price analysis


A copy of the report is attached here on [date] by [name] through [submission details].


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