Techniques for Motivating Employees: Strategies and Best Practices

What would you have done as an HR professional if you had to deal with similar situations Dr. Grant has dealt with?

If I was in the same position that Dr. Grant was in and given the fact that I had the same human resource management knowledge that I have now, I probably would have gone the same way Dr. Grant chose in addressing the situation. I would have conducted experiments to see if the productivity of workers went up once they met the recipients of their services.

For instance, even in the Christian religious circles, it is definite that the individuals who conduct prayers on phone-in prayer lines may not do so with zeal and zest as would have been the case with them meeting the people in need of prayers. The same applies to television newscasters who may not care much how they conduct themselves in front of the cameras until they meet members of the public who can identify them on the streets.

What value is being added to any organization by motivating the employees as Dr. Grant is stating in this case?

From Grant’s findings, it is easy to point out that motivating employees add value to a company by increasing their productivity. For example from the case of the university call center operators, the workers did not fully apply themselves to the process of getting donors until they met the students who were in need of the kind of funding being provided. Once the operators were able to draw the necessary motivation to dutifully carry out their work, the university benefited immensely as the donor funding went up by over 250 percent.

The same would be the case in a company that specializes in making wheelchairs. Workers in this company would not concern themselves with the minute details that accord wheelchair users the necessary comfort until they meet disabled individuals who have to contend with even bigger challenges on a day to day basis.

How does HR value proposition relate specifically to the case study? What are the consequences of such a relationship?

The human resource value proposition that can directly link with Dr. Grant’s studies is employee career development. The workers at the various establishment’s understudy did not really appreciate the importance of their jobs until they came into contact with the persons who were reaping the benefits of this work. The experiment, therefore, came to the conclusion that in any given enterprise, companies can avoid redundancy by coming up with means and methods of helping their workers appreciate the general relevance of their work.

In this way, the employees will put in their level best consequently boosting their performance levels-an an element that will put them in even better positions to achieve the desired growth in their careers. This draws from the fact that individuals will only be bothered to pursue certain careers as long as these careers hold the promise of making their lives better.

How do we establish that connection as a regular routine, whether it’s a weekly conference call with (co-workers) or a monthly check-in?

A connection can be established between workers of companies whose products are utilized by end-users within the same company according to team-building activities such as regular outings and end-of-week company dinners. These will help the employees interact with each other in such a way that they are able to forge meaningful relationships aimed at resolving issues of conflict between the products of workers whose works are interlinked. For instance, the finance manager will need to have all the records well filed and presented such the company financial analyst does not have to go through a hard time in conducting his work. The team building activities will help the two come together and advise each other in a manner that would reduce friction with an aim of bettering their respective outputs.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, February 12). Techniques for Motivating Employees: Strategies and Best Practices.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Techniques for Motivating Employees: Strategies and Best Practices." February 12, 2021.


StudyCorgi. "Techniques for Motivating Employees: Strategies and Best Practices." February 12, 2021.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Techniques for Motivating Employees: Strategies and Best Practices." February 12, 2021.

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