The Article “This Boat Is My Boat” by Drew Hayden Taylor

The article “This Boat Is My Boat” by Drew Hayden Taylor (2004) majorly highlights the relationship between the native and non-native individuals of Canada. Different types of individuals migrated to the country, which led to the immigrants competing for the available resources with the native citizens. The author portrays how the immigration of various non-native individuals greatly impacted social and economic structure. The author shows how he is devastated by some of the behaviours brought into their communities by the immigrants, which were considered inappropriate by the native citizens.

The writing can be considered an allusion to the song “This Land Is My Land” by Woodie Guthrie. Through the music, the composer highlights how various immigrants from different parts of the world have invaded their native land. Taylor’s main objective is to show how immigration has greatly threatened their societal orientation in different aspects. For example, in the article, he highlights how their native cultural practices are at risk of cultural erosion and getting assimilated into the foreign culture. He believes that native citizens should utilize their powers to protect their culture.

Another major sector that the author has greatly highlighted throughout the article is its economic value. The intrusion by non-native individuals into their land has greatly decreased their economic value since they have to compete for the limited available resources with immigrants due to the increased population. One of the most important factors of economic development that the non-native citizens have invaded is land which the immigrants use for their benefit. The author advocates that immigrants should ensure great respect to the cultures of the native citizens by paying homage and gratitude to the various cultures.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, November 16). The Article “This Boat Is My Boat” by Drew Hayden Taylor.

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StudyCorgi. 2023. "The Article “This Boat Is My Boat” by Drew Hayden Taylor." November 16, 2023.

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