The Battle of Thermopylae: Herodotus’ and Miller’s Depiction

The Greek historian Herodotus is one of the main sources of historical narrators of those events that took place many centuries ago. Therefore, the writer was able to describe the Battle of Thermopile, but the reliability of this account is questionable. Research shows that “Herodotus frequently finds the answer to these questions by looking at origins and beginnings” (Kindt, 2016, para. 12). Thus, in support of the argument about the doubtfulness of the authenticity of this narrative is the fact that Herodotus traveled around the country to obtain the necessary information. Hence, the knowledge was collected from the stories of different people about the events that took place. After that, Herodotus set the standard for further writing of such historical works.

The most important difference between the works of Herodotus and Miller is the difference in the time of writing the work on the battle of Thermopylae. In addition, the work of the second author is a graphic novel. Herodotus presents the Spartans as strong and brave warriors, ready to do anything to defend their state. Moreover, for them the law is above all and they obediently follow it. Miller’s work on the Battle of Thermopylae is a unique and special look at an ancient source. The narrative takes place from the point of view of one of the ancient warriors. Its main mission is to spread knowledge about the fallen victims of the Spartans. The purpose of such education is to set up the population against the main enemy – the Persians.


Kindt, J. (2016). Guide to the classics: The Histories, by Herodotus. The Conversation. Web.

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