Becker’s Hospital Program: Purpose, Benefits, Costs & Evaluation

The purpose

Leadership is a crucial part of the functioning of any organization, collective, team, etc. It contributes to better cooperation and mutual understanding. For this reason, the creation of efficient leaders and their becoming major actors who contribute to the improved functioning of an organization could be considered one of the main tasks of any company. For this reason, Beckers hospital program for the leaders should be taken as an important step towards the improvement of the efficiency and outcomes of this very organization (Lindsey & Mitchell, 2012). The main purpose of this program is to demonstrate the unique importance of leadership qualities and the great role they will play in the further evolution of this organization and its collective. It outlines five key elements that should be given great attention and provides information about the methods that could be explored to attain success and become an efficient leader. Another programs goal is to stimulate employees to involve in the training process and become efficient leaders who can make difficult decisions and coordinate the functioning of all team members.

The target population or audience

The program addresses a broad audience. In general, all people working in the healthcare sector could benefit from the information presented in it and become efficient specialists. Moreover, resting on the fact that it outlines the basic ideas of leadership and its importance for the further evolution of the sphere, the program could also be recommended for employees who have problems with the understanding of the unique role leadership plays in the modern environment. The program could be used by all genders, and there are no age limits. On the contrary, it states that every employee who aims at becoming a good specialist should be ready to improve the basic leadership qualities and accept the necessity of additional training needed to become a good leader. Altogether, the broadness of the target audience comes from the topicality of the issue touched upon in the program and is supported by the obvious necessity to cultivate leadership qualities needed to obtain a good position and build a career in the modern working environment.

The benefits

The benefits of the program are obvious. First, it contributes to a better understanding of the advantages that come from the exploration of leadership qualities (Leadership and leadership development in health care, n.d.). In modern society, a person should be a strong leader to be able to cope with the majority of tasks and build a career. For this reason, the information provided by the program should be considered very important for the personal and professional growth of a specialist. Second, it lists five main qualities needed for a health care specialist who wants to increase his/her efficiency and become an outstanding worker. Furthermore, the program could be used by any person who recognizes the great importance of leadership and wants to guarantee his/her personal and professional growth. In this regard, it should be considered rather efficient and beneficial. It could condition the increased level of leadership and the appearance of new potential leaders within the collective. In turn, it could also contribute to better outcomes and performance.

The cost or budget justification

The cost of the program should be considered another great advantage. The fact is that there is no need for some extra spending. A person who wants to become an efficient leader should be ready to work on his/her qualities by his/her own. The only thing that could be needed is the initial training explaining the core principles upon which leadership rests and demonstrating how it could be improved. However, it is a long-term process that demands cooperation with team members and analysis of specific actions and events. Especially topical it is for the health care sector where a leader should be ready to make difficult decisions (Al-Sawai, 2013). For this reason, a person should be ready to improve his/her leadership qualities under real-life conditions, and it makes the program cost saving. The initial training should be taken as the only aspect that demands to finance. However, an employee should be ready to continue his/her education and become a good leader in the course of the change process.

The basis for the evaluation

Finally, any program or initiative should be evaluated to determine its efficiency and the impact it has on employees. This fact makes the final stage very important. In this regard, several factors might help to determine the efficiency of the above-mentioned program and its results. First, peoples understanding of the role leadership plays in the modern world should be analyzed. In case they demonstrate the improved comprehending of the issue, the program should be considered an efficient and beneficial one. Additionally, the appearance of new leaders could also be considered a sign of the success of the suggested course of action. Finally, the improved teamwork and atmosphere within the collective might also evidence the great role the program plays in the improvement of the organizations functioning. For this reason, the evaluation of the program should consist of several stages and could help to conclude whether it was efficient or not.


Al-Sawai, A. (2013). Leadership of healthcare professionals: Where do we stand? Oman Medical Journal, 28(4), 285-287. Web.

Leadership and leadership development in health care. (n.d.). Web.

Lindsey, S., & Mitchell, J. (2012). Tomorrow’s top healthcare leaders. Web.

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