The Bible and Economy: Sin Stock Aversion and Virtue Stock Affinity

Many Christians consider the Bible to be a book that tells about the non-material world and almost nothing about the material one. Therefore, they are often surprised when they hear the phrase ‘Christian economy’. There are many passages in the Bible about economics, especially economic freedom. The Bible draws parallels between blessing (King James Bible, 1769/n.d., Deuteronomy 28: 1-13) and cursing (King James Bible, 1769/n.d., Deuteronomy 28: 15-68). Economic problems, such as in the economy or in the family, arise precisely when people do not adhere to the order established by God.

There are several verbes, where the Bible mentions the profit. For instance, Proverb 14:23 states that ‘in all toil there is profit, but mere talk tends only to poverty’ (Trammell, 2019). It clearly shows that the Bible does approve the revenue resulted from true work. Moreover, 2 Corinthians 9:6 highlights that “The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully” (Chew and Li, 2021). It is also an indication that the Bible welcomes hard work, which is always followed by a reward or profit.

The Bible vaguely mentions the issue of discounting, which can be seen in Matthew 19:21-26. The verse quotes the words of Jesus, who said, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me” (King James Bible, 1769/n.d.,). Those words are encouraging rich people to give their good to the poor ones. Giving out the possessions for free may be considered as a 100% discount. Hence, it can be concluded that the Bible encourages discounts because it is the opposite of obtaining wealth. In addition, in the Bible verse of Timothy 6:17-19, it is mentioned that God supplies people with all things to enjoy. It clearly demonstrates that it is a natural demand of human to enjoy and that there is nothing wrong with satisfying those demands, what God is doing.


Chew, S. H., & Li, K. K. (2021). The Moral Investor: Sin Stock Aversion and Virtue Stock Affinity. Available at SSRN 3773971.

King James Bible. (n.d.). King James Bible Online.

Trammell, J. (2019). A Christian Perspective on Studying Labor and Employment Law. The Christian Lawyer, 15(6), 6-9.

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