The Causes of the Cold War Between the US and the USSR


Historical studies have determined various causes of the Cold War. During the Cold War, the development of social reforms focused on building a peaceful society and a kickstart for the economic growth characterized by market expansions among nations. The conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union after the World War II and the ideological differences between the two countries served as causes for the beginning of the Cold War.

The Cold War Causes

Differences in ideology between the superpowers were defined by the capitalist nature of the United States and the Soviet Union being a communist country. Although these nations fought together during World War II against Nazi Germany, their relationship and alliance fell out due to their different ways of life (Chakraborty 0:38). Each country believed in its actions and condemned the other for talking the other way. In this case, the capitalist USA believed that citizens should choose their leader and government, while the Soviet Union’s communists created a one-party dictatorship (Shulman 16). The USA focused on promoting individual freedom and businesses driven by one’s interest to make profits and remain competitive in the market. In contrast, the communist USSR focused on controlling the state’s means of production and distribution and bringing value to the community.

The tension between the USA and the Soviet Union resulted in suspicions of over-controlling other nations globally. The emergency of nuclear weapons and improved military defenses between the two countries resulted in the tension that one could defeat the other and rule over its territories (Shulman 10). Additionally, the Americans feared that if the Russians acquired the nuclear bombs, they could use them to threaten the United States’ status of being the world’s leading superpower. In contrast, the Russians feared that the US could use nuclear war tactics to defeat and win over their territories (Maier). The tension between the two countries led to an individual exploration to create powerful weapons to determine which amongst them was superior.


In conclusion, the major reasons for the Cold War were differences in ideology and tension that occurred between the US and the USSR at the end of World War II. The USA was a capitalist country guided by capitalist ideologies, while the Soviet Union was a communist USSR ruled by communist ideas. The development of nuclear weapons between the two countries promoted tension that worsened their relationships because they engaged in a Nuclear Arms Race to determine which was the most powerful.

Works Cited

Chakraborty, Rudra. “Causes of Cold War a Very Bried Summary”. YouTube, 2020. Web.

Maier, Charles. “The United States and The Origins of The Cold War 1941‐1947 (Published 1972)”. Nytimes.Com, 2022.

Shulman, Marshall D. Beyond the Cold War. Routledge, 2019.

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