The Choice of a Medical Data Management System

The healthcare information system plays one of the most important roles. This concept implies a system for managing medical data. This implies the storage, management and use of medical information using the patient’s electronic medical record. Moreover, the information system in healthcare helps to conduct data operations more efficiently and promptly, supporting critical strategic decisions in the field of healthcare. Among the positive characteristics of such systems are the improvement of cost control and the quality of information about patient care. Thus, the choice of a medical data management system is critically important for any organization providing healthcare services.

Cloud systems are valuable because they significantly modernize and simplify the process of providing clinical care. The primary purpose of applying this innovative technology is to provide high-quality medical care (Doheir et al., 2018). Cloud computing in the field of clinical care implies the introduction of remote servers, which are accessed via the Internet. In this case, all the necessary information is stored on special servers. Moreover, this aspect contributes to the improvement of the healthcare information system, including the system development life cycle.

I agree that the system development life cycle is an effective and productive information system. Known by the acronym SDLC refers to a process that helps organizations plan and implement, and then evaluate innovations. The system development life cycle is divided into several critical stages, compliance with which is critically important. In addition, this system helps to ensure the best performance of cloud services by data storage and collection and data mining. Therefore, organizations are given the opportunity to significantly improve their processes and achieve tremendous success in the field of healthcare.


Doheir, M., Hussin, B., Basari, A. S., & Elzamly, A. (2018). Identifying critical cloud computing technology issues for improving healthcare management. Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, 10(7), 732-743.

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