The Civil Rights Movement in America


By the middle of the 20th century, anti-racist activists began their activities in order to fight racial discrimination and stop segregation, which led to the emergence of the Civil Rights Movement. Even though it is argued that it failed to eliminate the systematic oppression altogether, many of the subsequent transformations in the political and social system of America happened as its consequences. The Civil Right movement became the catalyst for the most important reforms in the history of the country, such as the adoption of fundamental laws, court system reform, and social changes, and it shaped the country as it is now.


The Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act were two essential laws that changed the legal situation of the African American population fundamentally. The former included the elimination and prohibition of racial segregation, as well as provisions that did not allow discrimination in the spheres of education and labor. The latter was meant to combat discrimination that the black population faced in the electoral system (Bond 2021). These acts became crucial steps to start fighting oppression by legal means and provide new opportunities for African Americans.

The court system was notorious for discriminatory practices against black defendants and unjust court decisions, which the Civil Rights movement was also striving to change and succeeded in doing so. The case of Brown v. Board of Education, which happened in 1954, became one of the first steps to change the legal system in general (Levy 2019). Previously, the court rulings were mainly not in favor of African Americans, which was a part of the system. Despite the lack of evidence, black defendants were often accused and sentenced unfairly, or, on the contrary, African American plaintiffs did not receive the justice that they sought if the defendant was white. Changing this situation was one of the main goals of the Civil Rights Movement, and systematic transformations were achieved by the activists.

Core transformations in the society were also achieved as a result of the Civil Rights Movement. The racism that was ingrained in the society was finally challenged, and the overall attitude towards racial discrimination started changing. Despite the fact that racism still exists today, it is condemned unlike in the beginning of the 20th century. Before 1950s the voices of African Americans in politics were silenced, however the movement helped them to gain their right to speak (Bloom and Hatcher 2019). Starting from that point, black people began participating actively in the political and social decision-making process. The society also became more acceptant of cultural and racial diversity. And even though it turned out to be impossible to completely eradicate racism in society, the Civil Rights Movement changed the society’s general attitude towards discrimination.


To conclude, the Civil Rights Movement was generally successful in achieving its aims. The most fundamental changes, such as laws necessary to outlaw discriminatory practices, changed the system of the country. The court system and the society could not stay the same either, thus, activists managed to start their transformation as well. The transformations in the system of the United States in the following years were all influenced by the events of the years of the Social Rights Movement. Thus, this movement shaped the system as we know it now.

Works Cited

Bloom, Jack M., and Richard Gordon Hatcher. Class, Race, and the Civil Rights Movement. 2nd ed., Indiana University Press, 2019.

Levy, Peter B. The Civil Rights Movement: A Reference Guide.2nd ed., ABC-CLIO, 2019.

Bond, Julian. Julian Bond’s Time to Teach: A History of the Southern Civil Rights Movement, Beacon Press, 2021.

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