The Historical Context of Globalization


History offers the required perspective to comprehend how previous events have shaped current affairs. This research paper investigates the historical backdrop of globalization and NAFTA. The goal is to answer the study question, “What is the most important historical event that may have given rise to present globalization?” Today’s global marketplaces depend on a worldwide network of supply chain systems that are gaining popularity due to globalization. Understanding the historical backdrop of contemporary globalization tendencies is essential for understanding the present labor market disruption.

Creating the Research Question

The research topic is intended to expose a critical historical event and provide a chance to learn more about the early philosophers’ perspectives. Globalization refers to the increasing interconnectedness of the world’s economies, cultures, and demographics due to cross-border commerce (Wesling, 2018). Trends indicate that Silicon Valley’s invention of the transistor in the 1960s is seen as the historical event that prepared the way for the development of computers, enabling globalization (Brand, 1971). From a personal standpoint, globalization has considerably enhanced the quality of life of individuals and created chances for the expansion of communities. The importance of the research questions is to reawaken the essential explorer attitude in research. Both primary and secondary sources demonstrate a significant relationship between the fast development of technology, the advent of globalization, and the invention of the silicon transistor in Silicon Valley.

Building Context to Address Questions

During the electronic era, which ran from the 1930s through the 1980s, it is believed that the modern Silicon Valley in California, United States, was the most important in fostering innovation. The transistor’s creation brought about both the Electronic Age and the Information Age (Jandrić, 2019). People harnessed the power of transistors, which resulted in the development of the transistor radio, electronic circuits, and the first computers (Anderson et al., 2022). Silicon Valley’s pioneers like Walter Brattain, John Bardeen, and William Shockley embody the era’s mentality centered on trial and error (Wesling, 2018). The advent of transistor technology created the required foundation for the Internet, which ushered in the era of globalization. As established, the founders’ fundamental motive for participating was creating a new world.

Examining How Bias Impacts Narrative

As a technology enthusiast, the diversified story of Silicon Valley’s beginnings may be skewed by the influence of the economic disparity in contemporary countries. In secondary texts, for instance, the focus on the advantages of the counterculture movement may obscure the disturbance in society’s attitude toward science and religion (Anderson et al., 2022). Similarly, the emphasis on discoveries is exaggerated to exclude the negative impacts of prevalent psychedelic practices (Brand, 1971). The psychological effects of these consciousness-altering treatments have yet to be documented.

Connecting the Past With the Present

Despite the disparities in psychology, there are undeniable advantages to the explorer mentality that drove the Silicon Valley entrepreneurs. Appreciating such historical foundations is essential for seeing globalization as the work of independent thinkers. The investors of the transistor’s presumption of a default positive intent to create and confidence in their desire to deliver value serve as a foundation for the development of an innovative culture (Jandrić, 2019). With this knowledge, citizens may discover best practices for nurturing creativity in the environment. Such a historical perspective on modern concerns has motivated a desire to nurture an explorer’s mentality in tackling contemporary challenges.


Understanding the present situation of the world’s economies, cultures, and inhabitants requires a firm grasp of globalization’s historical backdrop. The creation of the transistor in the 1960s in Silicon Valley is regarded as the most important historical event that gave rise to the globalization of the present day. The Silicon Valley philosophy of trial and error and the goal to build a new reality were essential in establishing the Information Age and expanding the world’s linked economy. This historical viewpoint has created an innovative culture that encourages free thought and creativity. People may cultivate the attitude required to confront present difficulties and establish better routes for our society by respecting the past.


Anderson, J., He, Y., Bahr, B., & Weinstein, D. (2022). Integrated acoustic resonators in commercial fin field-effect transistor technology. Nature Electronics, 5(9), 611-619. Web.

Brand, S. (1971) The last whole earth catalog: Access to tools: Stewart brand: Free Download, Borrow, and streaming, Internet Archive. Internet Archive. Web.

Jandrić, P. (2019). The three ages of the digital. Keywords in radical philosophy and education, pp. 161–176.

Wesling, P. [Stanford]. (2018). The Origins of Silicon Valley: Why and How It Happened [Video]. YouTube. Web.

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