Adaptation Strategies for Climate Change Disasters: A Critical Analysis


Issues affecting the environment and people’s livelihood in a changing climate are the subject of many studies and discussions and, as a rule, evoke a lively public interest. Some authors consider these problems comprehensively, and some focus on specific topics, conducting in-depth studies and analyzing the current situation from different perspectives. In order to evaluate this practice, the relevant work of Bendell (2018) will be considered in which the author promotes the idea of an inevitable environmental collapse. In addition, Bendell’s (2019) reasoning will be assessed about the peculiarities of human adaptation to a potential catastrophe. In conditions of changing climate and overpopulation, a possible threat to humanity’s security is acute, although even with such a prospect, people adapt to current conditions and take this risk consciously.

Main Ideas of the Discussions

The implications of the impending natural collapse that threatens millions of people are discussed in the context of findings related to global warming, air pollution, and other pressing issues. According to Bendell (2018), a few years ago, in 2014, scientists predicted an imminent catastrophe due to the melting of the Arctic ice caused by the weak reflection of sunlight from the earth’s surface. When assessing the rate of increase in annual temperature, one can note that the growth dynamics are stable, which is a significant cause for concern. Bendell (2018) considers the issue of warming in conjunction with the problem of harmful emissions and notes that both these consequences of increased anthropogenic activities are interrelated. Therefore, comprehensive work is viewed as the only possible measure to prevent the threat.

The author argues that despite the attempts of individual organizations and volunteer movements to minimize environmental damage, for instance, by planting trees or mitigating machinery work, the disaster is inevitable (Bendell, 2018). Due to the automation of many production processes, enhanced activities to reduce the environmental impact could be developed. However, as Bendell (2018) states, humanity is not ready to spend much money on this work because, in modern society, the trends of consumerism and capital accumulation are promoted. As a result, the extinction of rare species of animals and plants is one of the first prerequisites for the upcoming collapse.

The idea of people’s adaptation to the potential disaster is considered in the context of a human trait to accept any threat. Bendell (2019) cites the concept of reconciliation that, in his opinion, explains the inaction regarding the upcoming environmental disaster. Climate change has long been discussed at the global level. Nonetheless, despite many stakeholders’ efforts, these attempts to prevent the collapse are of minimal benefit since people only believe in the positive effect of specific measures but cannot be sure of their effectiveness (Bendell, 2019). As a result, one of the key ideas of Bendell’s (2019) reasoning is the need to prepare for potential dangers rather than promote baseless hopes and futile solutions.

Personal Reflection

When assessing both texts examined, it is impossible to deny the fact that humanity is in danger of disaster, and the premises are obvious and scientifically proven. The sensations from the proposed ideas are anxious because the impending collapse is presented as inevitable, and the only possible option is to delay the upcoming catastrophe. Therefore, based on both works, one can note that current efforts to eliminate the consequences of harmful anthropogenic activities are insufficient to solve all the existing environmental problems.

Interpretation of Facts

All the data on environmental issues are publicly available, which, however, does not make the works under consideration less relevant. The assessment of the global warming rate, the extinction of animal and plant species, harmful emissions into the atmosphere, and other problems verify the importance of urgent activities in this direction and confirm the threat. Regarding the topic of human adaptation, discussions about accepting the danger are also objective because, judging by current social trends, people do not intend to pay significant attention to environmental issues and rally their efforts. Accordingly, the probability of the collapse is real and scientifically sound.

Potentially Positive Measures

Although the danger of the climate tragedy is described as inevitable, based on the analysis of both texts, one can assume that the efforts to mitigate climate change should not be stopped. Despite the current consequences, more measures need to be taken to protect the planet from the disaster. Human submissiveness in the face of an impending threat cannot be considered an objective factor explaining inaction. To protect all living beings, more interested parties need to be involved in minimizing the results of anthropogenic activities, and the promotion of green projects can help alleviate the danger. In the case of ignoring all the problems, the risk of the collapse increases significantly, which is fraught with the extinction of not only animals and plants but also people.


People’s adaptation to the upcoming natural collapse is the consequence of human nature, and even under threatening climate change conditions, reconciliation is observed. The texts considered are relevant and important in the context of the current situation, although the problems described are well-known. When assessing the issues raised, one can note that work on the mitigation of harmful anthropogenic activities should continue to avoid the catastrophe.


Bendell, J. (2018). Deep adaptation: A map for navigating climate tragedy. IFLAS Occasional Paper 2. Web.

Bendell, J. (2019). Hope and vision in the face of collapse: The 4th R of deep adaptation. WordPress Blog Post. Web.

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