The Coca-Cola Company’s Mission and Goals for Future Success

To continue leading the industry in the ever-changing world, companies have to be able to understand and predict the trends and forces which shape businesses of the future. Only careful preparation and adherence to the proclaimed mission, vision, and values can allow organizations to succeed while maintaining a positive climate at the workplace and meeting the needs and wants of both customers and employees. This assignment briefly describes the mission statement and long-term goals of the Coca-Cola company.

Coca-Cola’s mission statement includes three brief components, each responding to the impact the company wants to leave on a global scale. The first mission of the business is to revive the world spiritually, mindfully, and physically. The second task is broader in its context, as it envisions the company bringing a valuable change to the world while making a worthy contribution to the industry. The last duty Coca-Cola holds is to enthuse joy and positive thinking through the business’ activities and brand value in all its dimensions.

To realize the proclaimed mission statements, Coca-Cola developed a series of more narrow-focused goals. As a part of its vision statement, the company aims at motivating its employees to actualize their full potential at the workplace. In terms of product, the organization’s main objective is to meet customers’ wants and needs by offering a wide range of drinks. It is also essential to note that Coca-Cola adheres to the standards of social responsibility by supporting and building environmental-friendly business models. Productive, highly effective, and rapidly developing corporation, the organization thoroughly follows the declared guidelines to satisfy the desires of the modern consumer.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, August 1). The Coca-Cola Company’s Mission and Goals for Future Success.

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StudyCorgi. 2021. "The Coca-Cola Company’s Mission and Goals for Future Success." August 1, 2021.

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