The Concept of ‘One at the Beginning, One at the End”

The concept of ‘one at the beginning, one at the end” involves making a resolution or an aspiration at the start of the day and acknowledging the achievement or the reason for failure. For instance, an individual can state that they will not sleep at work on a particular day and evaluate whether the objective was achieved or not. The practice is crucial in monitoring progress and acknowledging progress.

After engaging in the recommended practices, I realized that it promotes positive thinking and an understanding of the balance between mistakes and positive occurrences. For an individual recovering from addiction, the concept can help them move from the stage of self-denial to acceptance. Capuzzi & Stauffer (2014) state that many persons struggling with change lack confidence or are in denial. Confidence is related to self-efficacy and acceptance, which is significant in recovery. When an individual acknowledges that there was a simple positive event toward the general recovery objective, it becomes clear that small goals are manageable.

In fighting addiction, those affected may fail to realize small gains made by their family member and concentrate on the negative aspects of the process. For instance, an individual can decide not to take alcohol for a day. In the evening, before going to bed, the individual can acknowledge that they failed to accomplish the set goals but continue blaming themselves and others for the mistake. However, according to the concept of “one at the beginning, one at the end”, the person should view the ability to recognize failure as a positive step towards accepting themselves. Appreciating each step provides motivation and the strength to understand that mistakes do not mean that there is nothing positive that was accomplished (Chodron, 2019). Life is filled with challenges, and it is almost impossible to succeed without encountering difficulties.

Generally, recognizing small achievements and knowing the balance between positive and negative encounters is crucial to recovering from addiction. Self-efficacy is gained when individuals overcome denial and get the confidence to pursue resolutions. People should avoid emphasizing failures over success because motivation is needed to overcome regrets and pursue prospects. Understanding that challenges are inevitable is a skill needed to achieve self-reliance.


Capuzzi, D., & Stauffer, M. D. (2014). Foundations of addictions counseling. Pearson.

Chodron, P. (2019). Taking the leap: Freeing ourselves from old habits and fears. Shambhala Publications.

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