The Concept of “White Privilege”

In the modern world, the privilege of whites is felt in most areas of human life. It can be defined as the superiority of the white race over the black one and functions in matters of economics, education, medicine, and others. A vivid example is the situation of the house resale to a black man: the property is overpriced, and the terms of sale put the buyer in a tight framework. At the same time, the house was bought from a white man at a much lower price (Coates). The facts of this attitude of white people towards blacks are continually appearing, and despite all attempts to change the situation, this still has not happened.

One of the crucial problems in this situation is the perception of each other by people of different races. Awareness of their difference from each other has been reinforced for centuries. Even in situations where people of different races live in the same areas, striking differences are visible. According to studies, “gentrification only continued in neighborhoods that were at least 35 percent white and stopped or slowed in neighborhoods that were 40 percent or more black” (Hartnett). This partly suggests that white and black people are used to positioning and behaving differently. Despite the efforts of the government in this area, real change takes time.

Many current and potential measures can help people of different races to understand and accept each other. States are concerned about this issue and are trying to establish this contact. However, the current situation is the result of many discriminatory and degrading actions. There is a possibility that the border between representatives of different races will always exist, even if not as noticeable as it is now.

Works Cited

Coates, Ta-Nehisi. “The Case for Reparations.The Atlantic, 2014. Web.

Hartnett, Kevin. “Gentrification: White People Following White People.The Boston Globe. 2014. Web.

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