The COVID-19 Effect on Mental Health in New York

The topic that is to be examined is how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the mental health of individuals living in New York City. The subject was chosen due to the studies that show a major increase in mental health problems either related to the stress correlating with the virus outbreak or the quarantine measures. Moreover, NYC is a remarkably populous and dynamic city, which may refer to the significant change in living conditions, lifestyles, and sense of security linked to the quarantine measures.

Individuals have been affected on multiple levels, including mental health. Thus, researchers mention depression to be more prevalent among NYC students because of the recent lockdown (López-Castro et al.) The aim is to explore the topic in-depth when it comes to the specific demographics and effects of the COVID-19 virus and subsequent quarantine measures. An example is how at-risk demographics have been affected from a psychological standpoint. For example, research shows pregnant women from NYC to have been suffering from the stress related to the then-new virus (Hermann et al. 123). Specific vulnerable populations, such as people of color, the elderly, and individuals with certain conditions, have reached mortality rates of more than 30% (Thompson et al. 1725). The topic’s relevancy is exemplified by the critical situation in NYC regarding the number of cases and deaths, which is why the city is often called the epicenter of COVID-19 in the US (Goyal et al. 2372). As NYC is the most populous city in the US, the pandemic has negatively affected its communities.

It is certain that individuals have been psychologically affected not only through stress but also by the restriction measures and lockdown guidelines. The topic will facilitate an in-depth assessment of a change in mental health in the NYC population. Besides effects on a different demographic, the subject relates to conditions that have been worsened, studies showing a change in self-reported symptoms, and an overall shift in the psychological state of the population of the city.

Works Cited

Goyal, Parag, et al. “Clinical Characteristics of Covid-19 in New York City.” New England Journal of Medicine, vol. 382, no. 24, 2020, pp. 2372–2374.

Hermann, Alison, et al. “Meeting Maternal Mental Health Needs during the COVID-19 Pandemic.” JAMA Psychiatry, vol. 78, no. 2, 2021, p. 123.

López-Castro, Teresa, et al. “Experiences, Impacts and Mental Health Functioning during a COVID-19 Outbreak and Lockdown: Data from a Diverse New York City Sample of College Students.” PLOS ONE, vol. 16, no. 4, 2021.

Thompson, Corinne N., et al. “Covid-19 Outbreak — New York City, February 29–June 1, 2020.” MMWR. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, vol. 69, no. 46, 2020, pp. 1725–1729.

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