The Equation for Intelligence by Wisner-Gross

Wisner-Gross combines science and engineering principles to obtain an equation for intelligence F = T ∇ Sτ. He goes ahead to elaborate that intelligence is a force that acts to create more options while using a strength T incorporating the diversity of possibly accessible features S up to a future time horizon τ. Historic incidences and considerations are also incorporated in his determination of what intelligence is about.

Individuals have to examine the existing natural phenomena to construct similar objects. Dijkstra’s quote concerning the question of whether machines can think is considered a seminal example while looking at the history of how intelligence has been viewed. However, it took the understanding of the physical mechanisms behind swimming and flying animals to construct artificial machines sharing the characteristics.

To add to that, Alex initiates a program aimed at understanding the fundamental physical mechanism behind intelligence. He assumes one is an alien and has no earth intelligence but has excellent telescopes and incredibly long life so he can observe the earth for millions of years. Taking the asteroids into consideration, since they continuously hit the earth’s surface at a point, say 2000AD, they get deflected on space. Human beings would say they are to prevent impact or save lives, but aliens would find an explanation for why the asteroids did that mysteriously.

Cosmology suggests that there are many shards of evidence that the cosmos is carefully designed for the creation of intelligence and states that maximize the future. The presence of sentient creatures is more likely in universes that create more “entropy” in a lifetime. Entropica, on the other hand, shows that intellect, contrary to popular belief, arises directly from the long-term creation of entropy. This software is capable of performing human jobs without instructions.

Despite many people supporting it throughout the years, cyber metric rebellion is the polar opposite, as demonstrated by cyber seizing and goal-seeking principles. Investing in a future bottleneck in the routing space is referred to as goal-seeking (Bocher, 2021). Recent strategies have attempted to capitalize on robots’ capacity to optimize future freedom of action to complete challenging jobs.

It is indeed true that intelligence is a force that acts to produce more options in the future. It can be described as a physical process that resists future confines. With the studying of underlying phenomena and current trends and behavior, then artificial intelligence can be greatly advanced, such as the Entropica software.


Bocher, R. (2021). Causal Entropic forces, narratives and self-organization of capital markets. Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics, 026010792110393. Web.

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