The Estee Lauder Summer Internship Program


This first week we got introduced to the Estee Lauder Summer Internship program and went through their internship orientation. We got introduced to the Estee Lauder companies as the leading prestige beauty company in the world and had the chance to learn about the company’s history. According to Tim Wu in his book The Master Switch: The Rise and Fall of Information Empires, it is critical to explore new opportunities by getting out of the comfort zone and facing challenges. The next step was to establish contact with enterprises and organizations that are included in the register and negotiate with them about possible areas of interaction.

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I had two main focus areas, my intern group technology project and the numerous tasks assigned to me by my manager. I began to learn more about practical approaches and systematic methods of the company. My supervising tutor actually praised me for being so eager to learn and he said that my serious attitude will allow me to succeed in this company. I understood that the initial letter is addressed to the head of the organization, it justifies in a respectful form the desirability of interaction between the educational institution and this organization, provides arguments that can interest the administrator, show the intended benefits of the communication. As the book, The Master Switch: The Rise and Fall of Information Empires claim, it is critical not to rush the process of gradual learning and integration because “first movers” are prone to heavily rely on their lead. Perhaps the experts or the head are still considering the solution, in this case, correctly conducted telephone conversations are likely to prompt them to agree to accept interns for an internship.

My internship turned out to be more eventful and involving than the last two with a huge company-level event presented by our CEO, and as I went deeper into the projects, I have been working on and assisted my manager. The week was firstly highlighted by our company summer event hosted by our CEO, Fabrizio Freda, and executive chairman William Lauder. It was stated that even the most routine and seemingly unimportant things make a significant difference. For example, as it was stated in Tim Wu’s book, a company can abandon some discoveries simply because novelty can deal more harm than benefit. I learned that when conducting telephone conversations, it is important to observe the rule of status equality: the head of the organization is called by the administrator, after reaching a basic agreement, discussion of the internship conditions is carried out by specialists appointed for this purpose from both sides.

I also learned that an agreement is concluded between the institution and the enterprise. I was attending every meeting that I could join, where I began to see how negotiations and partnerships are made. Thus, I know that the subject of the contract can only be the organization of internships for a set of joint activities aimed at achieving high-quality professional education and other benefits of the contracting parties. The validity period of the contract can be long, up to several years with or without prolongation, and also short, for the period of the internship once by one or several specialists.

This week’s internship was filled with fast-paced new developments around my specific job assignment, and there were also numerous updates on how we should proceed with our intern group project. I learned that one of the most important requirements is the inclusion of the listener in activities aimed at developing professional competence. The algorithm for constructing a system of design and research work with students in class and extracurricular activities, the specification of an individual project, a draft program for a subject, a model of a system for managing the introduction of federal state educational standards of general education will be in demand by students in the inter-course period. Although all of these activities were highly complex and challenging to apply, as Tim Wu concludes in his book, it is critical to aim for perfection, because various big companies have failed by following the conventional approaches. Thus, I strived to gather as much knowledge as possible in order to implement them in my internship.

From day 1 of my enrollment, I have been put into contact with regional tech leaders and local program managers in order to get visibility around the global projects they manage. The tutor was assigned in order to assist me in my further tasks, which were aimed at maximizing my potential in the company. He taught me that the main role of the tutor is the role of a consultant and assistant. In addition, I learned various procedural steps, which are essential for the company’s operation. For example, the correction and assessment stage includes diagnostics and self-diagnosis of the dynamics of knowledge, skills, the experience of the activity, clarification of areas of success and those in need of support, drawing up a program of corrective actions, clarification of the participation of the tutor in its implementation. My tutor also told me about the negative side of the company and how the work was difficult, but it did not hinder my motivation. It is important to remember that a lot of large enterprises and conglomerates, such as Hollywood, were successful, although regulatory institutions were against them. At the transition stage, the tutor, together with the manager, assesses the degree of implementation of the goal, the level of satisfaction of interns with the process, and learning outcomes.

The content of the further individual educational trajectory of the intern is determined. The given week I learned that the manager initiates the exchange of professional information in the community, strives for self-development, innovation, and expands the circle of independently solved professional tasks, leads the problem group, and ultimately can replace the tutor. My new supervisor was highly motivating, and like The Master Switch: The Rise and Fall of Information Empires claims, it is essential for one’s success because empowering was a major factor in addressing the Vietnam War issue through various TV channels. For interns and part-timers working in specialized organizations, the place of work and position are indicated. The schedule defines the dates, the planned site for the internship, meaning the organization and the specific workplace responsible for concluding the contract. In the table, it is necessary to provide a column for marking the actual internship.

I began to understand the company’s various key approaches. I learned that the organization of internships for employees requires systematic, focused work, which should be monitored by the relevant local act of the institution the regulation. I learned that the given measure defines the position of the employee responsible for organizing internships, perhaps this responsibility will be assigned to the deputy director for educational or production work, a representative of the methodological service, or a specialist in personnel. I also learned that the regulation determines the necessary duration of the internship for different categories of employees, the conditions for the program, the form of a document confirming the fact of the placement. I realized that work begins with the organization of activities with the preparation of a schedule. As I read the book The Master Switch: The Rise and Fall of Information Empires, I understood that it is crucial to know that preparation play a major role in setting up the proper work ethic template in order to achieve valuable goals. The schedule of internships for employees of the institution is advisable to draw up for a specific time. It would contain information about the terms of the previous placement or the date of dismissal from the organization of the corresponding profile if it were no later than three years.

The final week I was impressed with the amount of practical knowledge I have gathered. I realized that place and location are crucial in ensuring the effectiveness of internships. Training and other activities of the institution aimed at ensuring that the content of professional education meets the requirements of the labor market, advanced modern and promising production technologies, should be organized based on partnerships with enterprises and organizations using such techniques, introducing innovative scientific and technical developments. The institution needs to create a bank of high-tech organizations located in the same territory as it is and establish productive interaction with them. The given week was my last chance to demonstrate my knowledge and skills, and Tim Wu states, it is critical not only to advance but show progress. First, you need to draw up a register of enterprises and organizations that have potential jobs for graduates of the institution. I understood that in order to compile the registry, different sources of information could be used.


Overall, the internship experience taught me an invaluable lesson which will be highly useful not only in my future career but also in life. Knowing about the importance of responsibility and cooperation is different than using these key notions in practical conditions.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, June 5). The Estee Lauder Summer Internship Program.

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